MUW and UCC MUW for patients

The ZdrowieJeMY support group, aimed at patients suffering from obesity and those interested in the topic of ways to treat the disease, invites to meetings with specialists from MUW and UCC MUW. The goal of the event is to educate patients about health.

The experts at the monthly meetings are specialists in various medical fields involved in the treatment of obesity: cardiologists, diabetologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, psychologists, physical therapists, orthopedists, surgeons and patients after bariatric surgery.

The meetings are held regularly every second Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Sports and Rehabilitation Center MUW in Room 1.20 A.

The group was established in September 2023 on the initiative of Professor Wojciech Lisik – Vice Rector for Clinical Affairs and Investment MUW, who has been involved in the surgical treatment of obesity for more than 25 years at the Department of General and Transplantation Surgery at the Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital UCC MUW. The professor was an expert at the first meeting. Subsequent experts were nutritionist Dr. Iwona Boniecka; nutritionist, psychodietician Jakub Krawczyk, MA; cardiologist Justyna Domienik-Karlowicz, MD, PhD.

Admission to the meetings is free, no registration is required, and they are open to all patients - including those who are not patients of the UCC MUW.

The Group's coordinator is Marta Wojtach, head of the Office of Community Relations MUW, e-mail: