- Scientific circles provide students with a unique opportunity to develop their interests and find their future career path through interesting meetings with lecturers, duty hours or writing scientific papers - said Maria Żmijewska of the Student Scientific Society, organizer of the fair.
How many opportunities lie ahead for students - was confirmed at this year's fair.
Scientific Circles infect with passion and give perspective
The Scientific Circles Fair is already a permanent fixture in the calendar of the university events, and one of the most important undertakings of the Student Scientific Society. It would not succeed, of course, without the involvement of the circles themselves, who participate in the fair.
- It's worth coming to the fair to give yourself a chance to find a new passion, and maybe in the future a specialty - convinces Julia Konopko, chairwoman of the SKN Sferocyt - Sometimes it happens, and I say this from my own experience, that you go to the fair with a focus on one circle, and end up joining a completely different one, absolutely unrelated to the first one. So it's good to come to compare your expectations with reality and choose a circle whose character and atmosphere you like, and thus find your field in medicine.
The SKN Sferocyt organizes monthly meetings on pediatric oncology. As part of the circle's membership, its members can, among other things, go on duty to learn in practice, participate in workshops such as bone marrow biopsy, attend a scientific camp in Olsztyn, and join in the preparation of the Track the Tumor national scientific conference. This is what they talked about at their booth.
In turn, at the booth of the SKN at the 1st Chair and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology MUW, visitors to the fair could practice inserting IUDs and learn the ins and outs of pelvic anatomy. It was a great opportunity to learn in a practical way about topics that are crucial to obstetrics and gynecology. The SKN members also talked about the meetings they organize with experts, which provide an opportunity for direct exchange of experience and knowledge, practical skills workshops that allow them to acquire valuable skills in a safe environment, and trips to scientific camps, which are an opportunity for integration and learning in an interesting environment.
- The participation in this fair, and we have been taking part in them for several years now, is a unique opportunity for us to share our passion and commitment to developing practical skills and knowledge in the field of obstetrics and gynecology - the circle members emphasized.
As for the activities of the SKN of Health Managers, for example, in the past academic year its members organized, among other things, a lecture introducing students to clinical research issues, a training session on the EndNote program, and a meeting with public health graduates who told younger colleagues about job prospects after graduating from the public health field. They also actively participated in the Medical Job Fair and the WIMC student scientific conference.
- I think that such classes bring a lot to people who see themselves in the profession of preventionist in the future and are a chance to find their path in this career - stressed Karolina Kozłowska, president of the circle.
Student Scientific Circles are much more
Gaining extra-curricular knowledge and practical professional skills, or a perspective on what you can do after graduation and which direction to specialize in, are not the only benefits of belonging to Student Study Circles. It's also a chance to gain soft skills and make new friends.
- By getting involved in scientific circles, you can meet many interesting and enthusiastic people with similar interests. This certainly broadens your perspectives and allows you to make many new friends. You can also acquire new skills such as working in a team, organizing workshops, interesting events and much more! I think everyone should try it and see for themselves - concludes Maria Żmijewska of the Student Scientific Society.
Scientific Circles participating in this year's fair
In addition to the above-mentioned Circles, the following presented their offer during the fair: Studenckie Koło Naukowe Ratownictwa Medycznego, SKN ALERGEN WIM przy Klinice Chorób Wewnętrznych, Infekcyjnych i Alergologii WIM-PIB, SKN przy II Katedrze i Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej, Naczyniowej i Onkologicznej, SKN „Kłębuszek”, SKN Ortopedii Rekonstrukcyjnej i Onkologicznej, SKN Ortopedii Otwock, SKN Chirurgii Ogólnej, Transplantacyjnej i Wątroby, SKN Medycyny Pola Walki, Studenckie Koło Naukowe Gerontokardiologii, SKN Medycyny Nuklearnej "Nuklid", SKN Lens - Okulistyczne Studenckie Koło Naukowe przy Klinice Okulistyki WUM, SKN Zdrowia Publicznego, SKN Dermatologiczne WUM, SKN Chirurgii Robotycznej w Ginekologii „ROBOTICS”, SKN Neonatologii i Intensywnej Terapii Noworodka, SKN Neurologii Aura przy Klinice Neurologii WLS WUM, SKN Chirurgii "3. piętro", SKN Torakochirurgii, SKN Endokrynologii Ginekologicznej WUM, SKN Medycyny Stylu Życia, SKN "Zespół QRS", SKN przy II Katedrze i Klinice Położnictwa i Ginekologii, SKN Neurologii “Nekon”, SKN przy Katedrze i Klinice Neurologii UCK WUM, SKN Diabetologia, SKN Biologii Komórki Nowotworowej, SKN "Wolski" przy oddziale chirurgii ogólnej i oddziale chirurgii naczyniowej, SKN Free Radicals, Studenckie Koło Kardiologiczne Narodowego Instytutu Kardiologii, SKN Fizjo przy Zakładzie Fizjologii Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej, SKN przy Klinice Chorób Zakaźnych Wieku Dziecięcego, SKN Pielęgniarstwa Anestezjologicznego i Intensywnej Terapii TIVA, SKN Informatyki Medycznej i Telemedycyny, SKN Farmacji Klinicznej, SKN Żywienie i Medycyna, SKN Iron Lung, SKN Onkologii Multidyscyplinarnej “ONKOSFERA” + Studenckie Onko-Forum (Narodowy Instytut Onkologii), SKN Kardiologii Dziecięcej przy DSK WUM, SKN Farmakon, SKN "Endocrinus", SKN Etyki, SKN przy Klinice Pediatrii i Endokrynologii, SKN Patomorfologii, Pediatric Student Scientific Society, SKN Hormon, SKN Zator, SKN Lymphoma przy Klinice Nowotworów Układu Chłonnego NIO-PIB, SKN Pneumonologii i Alergologii Wieku Dziecięcego WUM, Koło Kardiologii Eksperymentalnej, SKN Ginekologii i Położnictwa ,,Żelazna”, SKN Terapii Płodu i Perinatologii, SKN przy Klinice Chorób Zakaźny, Tropikalnych i Hepatologii, SKN Otorynolaryngologii przy Katedrze i Klinice Otorynolaryngologii, Chirurgii Głowy i Szyi, SKN przy Klinice Endokrynologii Onkologicznej i Medycyny Nuklearnej “ThyroIdea”, SKN Medycyny Ratunkowej - Szpital Wolski, SKN SOR POCUSy, SKN przy I Katedrze i Klinice Kardiologii WUM, SKN Chirurgii Ogólnej i Naczyniowej, Angiologii i Flebologii "Vena", SKN Medycyny Ratunkowej Dzieci, Koło Anatomiczne, Międzyośrodkowe Studenckie Koło Naukowe przy Światowym Centrum Słuchu IFPS i Zakładzie Niewydolności Serca i Rehabilitacji Kardiologicznej WUM, SKN Otolaryngologii Szpitala Czerniakowskiego, SKN Rehabilitacji Pediatrycznej, SKN przy Klinice Chorób Wewnętrznych, Endokrynologii i Diabetologii CSK MSWiA, SKN medycyny matczyno-płodowej, SKN Seksuologii WUM, SKN ProNeo przy Klinice Neonatologii i Chorób Rzadkich UCK WUM, SKN przy Klinice Nefrologii, Dializoterapii i Chorób Wewnętrznych WUM, SKN Żywienia Klinicznego, SKN ALVEOLUS, SKN Immunoonkologii, SKN przy Klinice Neurochirurgii Szpitala na Banacha, SKN Kindley, SKN przy Klinice Neurochirurgii PIM MSWiA w Warszawie.
Photo: Student Scientific Circles