The letter of intent to support MUW employees and medics in covering kindergarten fees

The letter was signed by our university, the Prof. Jan Nielubowicz District Medical Chamber in Warsaw, the Ronald McDonald Foundation and “Zielony Latawiec” Non-public Integration Kindergarten. The document is a declaration of cooperation involving obtaining funding by the OIL in Warsaw and MUW, and then transferring them to the recipients in the form of a surcharge on tuition fees for the kindergarten located at the Ronald McDonald House. - We want to support parents in their professional activity - stresses Prof. Piotr Pruszczyk, Vice Rector for Science and Technology Transfer, who signed the letter on the side of MUW – Therefore, we are taking steps to ensure that the children of MUW employees and medics can use the facility located on the Banacha Campus on favorable terms.

The signatories of the letter, signed on September 3 in the presence of the Acting Rector of MUW Prof. Robert Gałązkowski, were also: Dr. Artur Drobniak, President of the District Medical Council in Warsaw, Prof. Adam Jelonek, Honorary Chairman of the Board of the Ronald McDonald Foundation, and Katarzyna Rodziewicz, Chairman of the Board and Executive Director of the Foundation, as well as Zofia Białek, Director of “Zielony Latawiec” Non-public Integration Kindergarten. 

In addition, the event was attended by: Prof. Wojciech Lisik, Vice Rector for Clinical Affairs and Investments, Deans: Prof. Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk, Prof. Rafal Krenke, Piotr Luliński, MD, PhD, Vice Dean Filip Raciborski, MD, PhD, Dr. Marta Kijak-Bloch, MUW Chancellor, Jolanta Ilków, Bursar.

Funding for MUW employees and medics

The idea of the funding is an initiative of the university's authorities, responding to the needs of parents - university employees and medics - and related to the launch of the first kindergarten on campus. MUW's initiative has been enthusiastically supported by the Regional Medical Chamber in Warsaw, offering substantial subsidies to medics whose children will attend the facility at the Banacha Campus.

- We are treating this as a pilot program. We want the creation of kindergartens next to the workplaces to take place at many large clinical units - says Dr. Artur Drobniak, President of the Regional Medical Council in Warsaw.

Thanks to the efforts of MUW authorities, university employees and medics from MUW facilities will be able to reduce the cost of tuition.

- We plan to implement the agreements quickly so that the cost of tuition can be reduced for our employees and for employees of MUW medical entities as early as this fall - Professor Pruszczyk noted.

“Zielony Latawiec” integration kindergarten facility is located on the Banacha Campus at 2b  Trojdena Street in part of the Ronald McDonald House building. It provides care for children from 2 to 5 years old.