This year we played as team number 7963 and proudly collected for “our” team box. We also hold auctions and invite you to bid all the time! The events, with which we as the MUW community supported the collection, were organized for the benefit of pediatric hematology and oncology, the department that operates at the Children's Clinical Hospital UCC MUW.
- I think there is sheer goodness here, the wonderful meetings, the competition, the beautiful cooperation that led to this day, and the ongoing auctions - for all of this I thank you all very much - said Rector Rafal Krenke at the end of the final day at the Sports and Rehabilitation Center MUW.
- Like Jurek Owsiak, we will not stop and we will continue to do so. He is an example and you can see that we don't give up - added Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Education Prof. Marek Kuch, who received thunderous applause as he came to the finale despite his injury sustained the day before.
Just before the light show was displayed on the walls of the Sports and Rehabilitation Center, Prof. Paweł Łaguna, Head of the Clinical Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantology UCC MUW, also gave thanks to all present:
- About 1,100-1200 children with cancer are sent to oncohematology clinics every year, thank you for playing just for them.
The two-day event was all about sport activities and competition, involving students, MUW employees, including the rectoral and administrative authorities, but there were also numerous attractions for children, lectures and preventive examinations. There were athletic guests, including Yared Shegumo, the European vice-champion in the marathon, and our titled swimmer Paweł Korzeniowski, excitement at every turn, strong cheering and some really dramatic sports moments. We hope you can see it in the photos.
The collection boxes have already been counted, but we are still bidding, finally we will count all that our university has managed to raise this year for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.
Our community's auctions are available at the following link:
Activities related to the organization of the team and the MUW Community for GOCC campaign were conducted by students from: IFMSA-Poland Warsaw Branch, Student Government MUW, faculty governments and the Polish Dental Students Association Warsaw Branch in cooperation with the Communications and Promotion Office MUW as well as the Sports and Rehabilitation Center MUW, the Academic Sports Association MUW and the Warsaw Academic Sports Association.