– The Medical University of Warsaw seeks to support its employees, especially those who combine professional development with parenthood. Opening a kindergarten right next to the campus is a response to their needs and proves that we are committed to creating conditions conducive to reconciling work and family life - explains Agnieszka Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska, Vice Rector for Clinical Affairs and Investments. - Thanks to the financial support of the Regional Chamber of Physicians and the Medical Center MUW, we are able to offer reduced tuition for the children of employees of the university and the Medical Center MUW. We believe that this initiative will not only make everyday life easier for many parents but will also show that we are a community that cares about each other.
– The integrative kindergarten at MUW is a unique initiative that can be piloted for use in other large clinical units. It fits perfectly into the strategy of supporting physician parents implemented by the Chamber - stresses Dr. Artur Drobniak, president of the District Medical Chamber in Warsaw. - This is also one of the demands from my election program. Our mission as a medical self-government, is to introduce such solutions that make it easier for doctors to reconcile their professional and private lives. I know how difficult it is to reconcile professional duties with caring for children, especially in the work of doctors. The idea of subsidizing the kindergarten was born out of a real need and a desire to support those who devote themselves every day to caring for the health and lives of patients.
The cooperation in financing the kindergarten was preceded by the signing of a letter of intent between the institutions last September, after that an agreement was signed. The cooperation was joined by the Medical Center MUW, which will contribute to the cost of tuition for the children of the employees of MUW and Medical Center MUW.
– We live in a time when reconciling life roles is increasingly difficult, hence the role of the employer is not to understand these personal challenges, concerns and needs, but to meet them. That's why we joined the cooperation initiated by the Medical University of Warsaw and the District Medical Chamber - admits Justyna Mieszalska, President of the Medical Center MUW.
The kindergarten is located in the same building that houses the Ronald McDonald House at the Banacha Campus. It offers intimate groups, a rich educational program and creative developmental activities. It is staffed by qualified teachers who support children and parents in the adaptation process.
The Medical University of Warsaw is in talks with the other Professional Chambers about subsidizing kindergarten tuition.