Certificate of Quality of Education for the Faculty of Medicine

We have received a positive evaluation regarding the educational process of the field of medicine of the Faculty of Medicine MUW. It was granted by the University Committee for Quality of Education in the Field of Medicine of KRAUM. The recommendation is valid until June 22, 2028, subject to our faculty's participation in the annual follow-up evaluation.

On May 31, our university was visited by members of the University Committee for Quality of Education in the Field of Medicine (UKJKKL) - Jakub Kenig, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Jagiellonian University, Prof. Elżbieta Gawrych and Marcin Wiśniewski, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Nicolas Copernicus University. Our guests collected information on how the training process in the field of medicine of the Faculty of Medicine MUW is carried out.

They visited the Department of Pharmacology, the Department of Pathomorphology, the Department of General and Transplant Surgery, the 2nd Department of Anesthesiology, the construction of the Medical Simulation Center, the Department of Forensic Medicine and the Department of Gynecology at the Princess Anna Mazowiecka Clinical Hospital.

The committee members also reviewed the data contained in the "Questionnaire for self-assessment conducted in the field of medicine" - the document was filled out by the university.

After analyzing all the data, a positive evaluation was issued, and the Faculty of Medicine received a Certificate of Educational Quality valid for 5 years. At the evaluation, it was pointed out what our strengths are and recommendations were made, i.e. what still needs to be worked on.