Is obesity a choice? Invitation to a lecture by Prof. Giles Yeo

This is another meeting with a foreign scientist organized by the MUW Doctoral School. This time the guest speaker will be Giles Yeo - Professor of Molecular Neuroendocrinology, program leader at the MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit in Cambridge. He will give a lecture on March 9 via the Zoom platform. He will talk about obesity and the genetic research he is conducting. All interested parties are welcome to attend the lecture

A few words about Professor Giles Yeo

He received his PhD in molecular genetics from the University of Cambridge in 1998. He then joined Professor Stephen O'Rahilly's research team, where he studied the genetic basis of severe obesity in humans. He is currently Professor of Molecular Neuroendocrinology and Head of the Metabolic Diseases Unit  na Uniwersytecie w Cambridge. His research focuses on the influence of genes on eating behavior and body weight.
Co-author of more than 150 scientific articles, including those published in Nature, Science and Cell journals, lecturer at Wolfson College, Honorary President of the British Dietetic Association. And a presenter on BBC documentary series (e.g. Trust me, I'm a Doctor) and creator of the "Dr. Giles Yeo Chews The Fat" podcast. In 2018, he published the book "Gene Eating," "Why Calories Don't Count” in 2021. In 2020, he received the Order of the British Empire from the British Queen for his active service to science and popularization of research. In 2022, he was awarded the Society of Endocrinology medal.
'Is obesity a choice?" lecture for MUW
It will be held online on the Zoom platform at 4:00 pm Polish time (3:00 pm UK time). Link to the meeting
Meeting ID: 850 0462 6824; Access code: 057418

The lecture will be held as part of the STER Internationalization of Doctoral Schools program of the National Agency for Academic Exchange.