Our experts among the Health Visionaries

On March 27, the editors of Wprost honored outstanding personalities who are changing Polish medicine and patient care. Among the winners of the "Health Visionaries" plebiscite are Mariusz Wyleżoł, MD, PhD, from the Second Department of General, Vascular and Oncological Surgery MUW, head of the Warsaw Center for Comprehensive Obesity Treatment and Bariatric Surgery at Czerniakowski Hospital in Warsaw and Marek Karwacki, MD, PhD, from the the Chair and Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantology UCC MUW, Coordinator of the Centre for Coordinated Medical Care of Patients with Neurofibromatosis and Related RASopathies at the MUW.

The justification states, among other things: "With great commitment, he defends the rights of patients with obesity disease, educating that it is a disease that can be treated. Initiates changes in the field of comprehensive treatment of obesity. He accustoms the public to difficult issues in an accessible way, pointing out that obesity is a disease, not a choice or fault of the patient." The award was presented to Mariusz Wyleżoł, MD, PhD, by Piotr Bromber, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Marek Karwacki was recognized in the category of Ambassadors for Improving Patients' Quality of Life. On his initiative, a program for coordinated care of patients with neurofibromatoses and RASopathies derivatives was established.

This year, the Health Visionaries statuettes were awarded to 18 people in 12 categories. More on the website zdrowie.wprost.pl 


Elaborated based on materials: zdrowie.wprost.pl; Photo: zdrowie.wprost.pl;