Graduates of '74 celebrated renewal of diplomas

The celebration of the symbolic renewal of diplomas after 50 years is always accompanied by positive emotions. The event, during which the university thanks medical and dental graduates for their commitment and dedication to the health and lives of patients, is also a great opportunity to reminisce about student years together with long-lost colleagues.

The ceremony, held on May 10, was attended by 122 people: 97 medical graduates and 25 dental graduates from the 1974 class.

The event was organized by the Faculty of Medicine, which 50 years ago taught medicine and, as part of the Dental Department, also trained dentists.

A celebration of great significance

Deputizing for the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Rafal Krenke, the guests were welcomed by Jacek Sieńko, MD, PhD, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for English Division Student Affairs.

- Every year, the dean of the faculty tells us - the dean's college, that the diploma renewal ceremony is one of the most important ceremonies in the academic year of our faculty. And I think also the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry - said Jacek Sieńko, MD, PhD. And he continued: - Distinguished Jubilarians, without you there would be no us:  professionally, scientifically. From you we learned, from you we took inspiration.

Acknowledgements from His Magnificence the Rector

For their contributions to Polish medicine, the heroes of the ceremony were thanked in a special letter by Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of MUW. His Magnificence's letter was read by Prof. Piotr Pruszczyk, Vice Rector for Science and Technology Transfer.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of myself, the Senate and the entire academic community, I thank you for your work, attitude and dedication to serving others. You are the best ambassadors of your Alma Mater" wrote Rector Professor Zbigniew Gaciong.

The graduates were also congratulated by Prof. Piotr Pruszczyk, Vice Rector.

- A big word of appreciation and acknowledgementss for being here with us.

The voice of alumni representatives

The event was an occasion for joyful and amusing memories. Several anecdotes about the professors of the time were shared by Dr. Krzysztof Jedliński, a medical graduate. On behalf of his colleagues, he also expressed gratitude to his Alma Mater for his time as a student and the education they received.

- Our profession, described as a vocation, is to serve people who are sick and therefore in need. We have the right to be proud, which does not mean overconfident, to be doctors. Admittedly, we are slowly becoming more and more the objects of health care ourselves, the new generations of our successors. However, we can still - in one way or another - be helpful. Helpful and useful. And may we remain so for as long as possible - said Krzysztof Jedliński.

Then, Helena Deszczyńska, a dental graduate, thanked the university authorities and deans for organizing the ceremony.

- It is a beautiful gift of fate that has given this beautiful moment of experiencing the renewal of diplomas together, and at the same time will allow us to enjoy each other, remember the good old days and make plans for the future - emphasized Helena Deszczyńska.

Renewal of diplomas

The centerpiece of the ceremony is the presentation of a unique diploma to the graduates. The diploma confirms graduation 50 years ago. And it also honors many years of fulfilling “the noble mission of helping the sick, training and shaping the attitudes of younger generations of doctors and developing the health care system.”

At this year's ceremony, the doctors were presented with the awards by Vice Rector Prof. Piotr Pruszczyk and Vice Dean  Jacek Sieńko, MD, PhD, whereas the dentists, by the Vice Rector and Prof. Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.


The event concluded with a mini-recital by the MUW Choir, which performed the songs “Always Where You Are,” “New York, New York” and a part of the oratorio “Judah Maccabaeus” by Georg Friedrich Händel.

In addition to those mentioned, also present at the ceremony were the Vice Deans of the Faculty of Medicine: Prof. Aleksandra Banaszkiewicz and Łukasz Koperski, MD, PhD.