
The Medical University of Warsaw is one of the oldest medical universities in Poland. For more than 200 years, it has been educating top professionals in the field of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The roots of the University date back to 1809, when on the initiative of doctors - August Wolff, Jacek Dziarkowski, Józef Czekierski and Franciszek Brandt - and a pharmacy assessor, Józef Celiński, the Academic-Medical Faculty was established.

The Governing Commission issued an order to found a medical school in Warsaw (due to the lack of doctors).
19 September - The royal decree of Frederick Augustus I of Saxony, issued in Dresden, founded the Faculty of Medicine headed by H. Dziarkowski and the General Medical Council
9 October - The Chamber of Education approved the syllabus and the timetable, the school’s internal organisation, and H. Dziarkowski was appointed Dean. Four-year medical studies and two-year chemical and pharmaceutical courses were organised
1 December - The Obstetrics Institute which trained midwives and doctors, opened in the building located on Rynek Nowego Miasta
18 December - The Chamber of Education appointed Stanisław Staszic to the post of President of the Academic-Medical Faculty
7 June - The official opening of the Academy
30 December - The award ceremony of the first diplomas to 18 graduates, including 6 doctors of medicine and surgery, 4 surgeons of the first grade, 1 surgeon of the second grade, 5 chemists and 2 pharmacists
Stanisław Kostka Potocki submitted a memorandum to the Tsar on the foundation of a University with a Faculty of Medicine
19 November - Tsar Alexander I issued a founding deed of the Royal University of Warsaw with 5 faculties: Theology, Law and Administration, Medicine, Philosophy, Sciences and Fine Arts. The new institution was created as a combination of the schools existing in Warsaw ‒ the Academic-Medical Faculty and the School of Law and Administration
1 February - The University of Warsaw was opened
March - On a motion of the Deans, the General Council introduced the name Royal University
Official opening of the Royal University
The tenement building on Jezuicka Street became the seat of the Faculty of Medicine of the Royal University and the departments: internal medicine, surgery and obstetrics (the Obstetrics Institute was incorporated to the University on 5 August). Higher and lower grade doctors, midwives, opthalmologists, dentists and chemists studied at the Faculty of Medicine

21 December - Pursuant to the resolution of the Government Commission of Religious Affairs and Public Education lower grade medical courses were discontinued. All candidates had to present a school-leaving certificate (matura) and complete a five-year curriculum
9 March - Decision on changing the university name to: Alexander’s Royal University of Warsaw
19 November - The University of Warsaw was closed. In the 22 years of its existence, 61students obtained the degree of Master of Medicine and Surgery, 30 students graduated as Doctors, 33 students obtained the degree of Surgeon of the First grade and Second grade, 165 students obtained the degree of Master of Pharamcy and Pharmacist
1 October - Opening of the Medico-Chirurgical Academy. Medicine had a five-year curriculum, while pharmacy a 2-year one. The University was entitled to grant doctoral degrees, and also specialist degrees, including the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine

September - Theoretical classes took place at the Staszic Palace, while practical classes at the following hospitals: Infant Jesus (Therapeutic and Surgical Department), St. John of God (Psychiatry Department), Opthalmic Institute (Eye and Ear Disorder Department), Obstetrics Institute. Theoretical surgery was taught at the Ujazdów Hospital, and then at the Evangelist Hospital
The Government Commission of Religious Affairs and Public Education was restored, headed by Margrave Aleksander Wielopolski
March - A. Wielopolski received professors of the College and confirmed the foundation of the Main School of Warsaw with four faculties: Law and Administration, Philosophy and History, Maths and Physics, as well as Medicine
25 November - The opening ceremony of the Main School of Warsaw with the Faculty of Medicine
11 September - Tsar Alexander II requested that the transformation of the Main School of Warsaw to the University of Warsaw be completed
20 June - Further to a decree of Tsar Alexander II, the Main School of Warsaw was closed, to be replaced by the Imperial University of Warsaw with Russian as the official language. The Pharmaceutical Division was established at the Faculty of Medicine, and students participated in lectures together with medics and naturalists
January - Students organised a rally upon receiving information on the outbreak of the Russian Revolution of 1905. As a consequence, the University was closed for the next three and a half years
November - A group of scholars, writers and social activists set up the Society for Educational Courses in Warsaw, which aimed at laying the ground for a Polish
14 September - Classes at the University were resumed
5 August - Warsaw was occupied by the German Army. The Russians evacuated all authorities, employees and the property of the Imperial University to Rostov-on-Don “on a temporary basis”
25 October ‒ Warsaw General Governor Hans von Beseler approved a temporary charter, drafted by the German educational authorities. The University was reinstated with three faculties: Law and State Sciences, Philosophy, Mathematics and Nature, with Polish as the official language
30 October - The Warsaw Pharmaceutical Society adopted a resolution emphasising the need for a separate Faculty of Pharmacy
15 November - Opening of the reinstated University. Due to the high cost of organising centres and laboratories, the Faculty of Medicine was not founded. Only a Preparatory and Medical Department was set up at the Faculty of Mathematics and Nature. Threeyear pharmaceutical courses were organised
19 December - The Medical Student Association was founded
7 November - Official opening of the academic year at the University

17 February - The first state university called the State Institute of Dentistry (which existed until 1932) was founded. Students graduated with the degree of Doctor
of Denistry after a four-year course
19 October - Pursuant to the decision of the Minister of Religious Affairs and Public Education, the Pharmacy College was transformed into the Pharmacy Division
at the Faculty of Medicine. Professor Władysław Mazurkiewicz was appointed Director (three-year curriculum)
2 May - Józef Piłsudski Marshal of Poland was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor
11 November - A resolution of the Minister of Religious Affairs and Public Education on granting academic degrees: lower grade ‒ doctor, higher grade ‒ associate professor (binding until 1951)
9 February - The Senate of the University of Warsaw on a motion of the Council of the Faculty of Medicine of 21 January 1927 adopted a resolution, which founded
the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
1 October - Official opening of the Faculty of Pharmacy buildings on 3 Oczki Street

15 March - The State Institute of Dentistry was included among tertiary state schools and renamed to the Academy of Dentistry. Professor R. Nitsch (1933‒1936) became its first rector
26 August - The President of the Republic of Poland issued a decree on the change of name to the Józef Piłsudski University of Warsaw
2 February - Official opening of the Medical Student Hostel on 7 Oczki Street
Upon the outbreak of World War II and the universal mobilisation, classes at the University were suspended
9 December - Through the efforts of the former university rectors, the German administration granted the right to pass final exams to Aryan students of senior years. The examinations were held until 6 May 1940
Autumn - Doctor Marian Koczwara organised clandestine biology classes at the Faculty of Mathematics and Nature of the University of Warsaw. Training was also provided for students of medicine, pharmacy and dentistry
4 March - Clandestine courses for physicians under the aegis of the Private Vocational School for Auxiliary Sanitary Personnel of Doctor Jan Zaorski (subordinated to the clandestine Council of the Faculty of Medicine). The classes took place in the Theoretical Medicine Building on Krakowskie Przedmieście Street and the pre-war Therapeutic Massage School of J. Zaorski on 30 Smolna Street
1 August - The outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. Professors and students of clandestine universities provided first aid in sanitary patrols, dressing points and sanitary battalions and hospitals
January - Opening of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Warsaw
27 December - Opening of the Academy of Dentistry
1 September - Incorporation of the Academy of Dentistry as the Division of Dentistry to the Faculty of Medicine with a four-year curriculum

1 January - Founding of an independent institution called the Doctoral Academy, which incorporated all medical faculties of the University of Warsaw
3 March - Pursuant to a decision of the Council of Ministers, the Doctoral Academy was renamed the Medical Academy. The university remained under the supervision of the Ministry of Health
10 November - The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was separated from the Medical Academy and incorporated in the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Medical studies were extended from 5 to 6 years, and dentistry studies from 4 to 5 years
20 November - Introduction of four-year postgraduate studies in pharmaceutical sciences pursuant to a decision of the Ministry of Health and Social Care
The Faculty of Medicine of the Medical Academy introduced doctoral studies
12 March - One day after the protest at the University of Warsaw, a students’ rally took place in the Collegium Anatomicum building of the Medical Academy, calling for the defence of freedom and the respect of civic rights
7 October - The Rector Professor Szczęsny L. Zgliczyński on a motion of the University Senate convoked the Council of the Second Faculty of Medicine
The Transplantology Institute was founded as an interdepartmental unit
The publication of the first issue of the Medical Academy quarterly entitled “Medycyna ‒ Dydaktyka ‒ Wychowanie”
A branch of the Independent Self-governing Trade Union “Solidarity” (NSZZ “Solidarność”) was founded at the University, the Independent Students’ Union (NZS)
was legalised
13 December - All university classes suspended until further notice upon the introduction of martial law
4 May - The new Act on Higher Education granted more autonomy to the universities
The first joint inauguration of the academic year with the University of Warsaw
The English Division was established at the Second Faculty of Medicine

29 May - The Senate of the Medical Academy approved a resolution on the opening of the Faculty of Health Sciences with Divisions of Nursing, Midwifery and Dietetics
May - The Physiotherapy Division was opened at the Second Faculty of Medicine
Opening of the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies
25 September - The Senate of the Medical Academy in a unanimous vote passed a resolution to change its name to the Medical University of Warsaw
22 March - The Medical Academy officially became the Medical University of Warsaw
Medical University of Warsaw celebrated 200 years of teaching medicine in Warsaw
May - opening of a modern Library and Information Center
October - The Faculty of Dentistry of the First Faculty of Medicine was transformed into an independent Faculty of Dental Medicine

opening of the building of the Center for Preclinical Research
September - opening of the new seat of the Independent Public Children's Clinical Hospital in Warsaw
December - opening of the Sports and Rehabilitation Centre
16 October - in the Golden Hall of the Kazimierzowski Palace, the Medical University of Warsaw and the University of Warsaw signed a letter of intent on the creation of their federation
May - new Statute of the Medical University of Warsaw was adopted. The Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, began to function under the new structure and the Faculty of Medical Sciences was established. The Second Faculty of Medicine, present at the university since 1975, officially finished its existence. The Doctoral School and the Councils of Scientific Disciplines were also established
September - MUW joins the ranks of signatories to the Declaration of University Social Responsibility. This is an expression of voluntary commitment to promoting sustainability and social responsibility in educational programs, research, as well as management and organizational solutions.
October - opening of the University Dental Center
January - MUW together with SGH signed an agreement with the Ministry of Health for the implementation of MBA in health care for the public sector
March - The project of the Center for Preclinical Research (CePT) - one of the few large-scale Polish infrastructure projects - has ended. The leader of the project, implemented by 10 leading scientific units (universities and institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences), was the Medical University of Warsaw.

February - The 85th anniversary of the official opening of the House of Medics, home of the legendary Clubhouse of Medics. The modernist building at 7 Oczki Street, designed by Stanisław Odyniec-Dobrowolski, was for years the headquarters of one of the most famous Polish student clubs, which in its glory years attracted the biggest performers.
April - MUW signs the Magna Charta Universitatum Declaration and joins the prestigious MAGNA CHARTA OBSERVATORY Association, committing itself to the fundamental principles and values of the declaration, including the principle of academic freedom, teaching and research, as well as the principle of institutional autonomy, which is a directive for the proper management and operation of the University.

June - MUW signs contract with general contractor to begin construction of ultra-modern Medical Simulation Center MUW.
September - The Faculty of Medicine has completed its functioning. On August 29 of this year, 143 masters and 76 undergraduates celebrated their graduation at the last faculty graduation ceremony.
October - The 2022/2023 academic year began with the enlarged Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, which was formed from the merger of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. It enrolled 520 students.
December - The Center for Postgraduate Education MUW celebrates 20th anniversary

March - Medical University of Warsaw has become research partner of Warsaw in the Partnership for Healthy Cities project, which includes 70 cities around the world working to improve the health of their citizens.
March - MUW and the Polish Medical Air Rescue signed a cooperation agreement with the Clinical Center for Emergency and Disaster Medicine and the National Medical University of Ivano-Frankivsk regarding support for training in battlefield medicine and the creation of a training center at the Clinical Center for Emergency and Disaster Medicine in Ivano-Frankivsk
April - Symbolic topping out on the construction of the Medical Simulation Center MUW
August - The lung transplantation program at the University Clinical Center MUW has started. The UCC MUW has become the largest transplant center in Poland. Liver, pancreas, kidney, bone marrow, heart, including heart transplants in children, and multi-organ transplants are performed here, both in adults and children.

II - Podpisanie porozumienia o współpracy z Politechniką Gdańską. Porozumienie wspiera wspólny udział naukowców WUM i PG w międzynarodowych projektach oraz sprzyja pozyskiwaniu środków na badania, rozwój i prace wdrożeniowe.
IV - Dzięki bardzo dobremu wynikowi ewaluacji jakości działalności naukowej i uzyskaniu przez wszystkie dyscypliny naukowe reprezentowane w WUM wysokiej kategorii "A" nasza uczelnia otrzymała od Ministra Nauki dodatkowe finasowanie w wysokości 13,8 mln zł na rozwój nauki w latach 2024-2026.
V - WUM podpisał umowę partnerską na rzecz przygotowania i realizacji projektu „Uczelnie Przyszłości”. Projekt będzie wdrażać innowacyjny model kształcenia, opierający się na autorskich projektach studentów oraz testować nowe metody współpracy między uczelnią a środowiskiem społeczno-gospodarczym.
VI – Nasza uczelnia najlepszą uczelnią medyczną w Polsce według Rankingu Uczelni Akademickich 2024. WUM jako jedyna uczelnia medyczna został sklasyfikowany w pierwszej dziesiątce tego rankingu.
VIII - Zakończyła się modernizacja budynku rektoratu, która pozwoli na energooszczędną eksploatację budynku, a także ograniczenie emisji szkodliwych gazów i pyłów do atmosfery. W połączeniu z wykorzystanymi przy budowie bezpiecznymi dla ludzi i środowiska materiałami, czyni z budynku rektoratu obiekt o wiele bardziej ekologiczny.