Prof. Jerzy Szaflik's jubilee with presentation of medical innovations

Professor Jerzy Szaflik celebrated his 80th birthday, 55 years of professional work, the 50th anniversary of receiving the title of eye disease specialist and 33 years of work at the Medical University of Warsaw. Numerous guests of the event organized on this occasion had the chance to listen to interesting facts about the life and work of the outstanding ophthalmologist, as well as his innovative eye research projects.

Professor Szaflik has been associated with the Medical University of Warsaw for more than three decades as a lecturer and tutor of several generations of ophthalmologists. For years, he was Head of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Second Faculty of Medicine. Many of his alumni appeared at the gala, but among the guests of the meeting were also Rector of MUW Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Krzysztof Żyndul, DSS - representative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and Bronisław Komorowski - former President of Poland. On the part of the current and former authorities of MUW, the jubilee was also attended by: Prof. Agnieszka Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska – Vice Rector for Human Resources, Marek Kuch – Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Education, as well as former rectors of MUW: Prof. Tadeusz Tołłoczko and Prof. Marek Krawczyk. There were many of Prof. Szaflik's co-workers from the Independent Public Clinical Ophthalmology Hospital in Warsaw, which he headed for 17 years from its inception, as well as employees of the non-public ophthalmology clinic he currently runs.

Prof. Jacek Szaflik gave a presentation full of professional and personal tidbits about his father. The highlight of the event was a scientific mini-symposium, during which two innovative screening projects being developed under the leadership of Prof. Jerzy Szaflik - for glaucoma and Alzheimer's disease, which use artificial intelligence - were presented.

Taking the opportunity, the jubilarian addressed his thanks to the members of the two teams responsible for these promising ventures, as well as the Rector and colleagues from MUW, stressing that he has always met with their great support for the medical innovations being introduced.

The event was complemented by a lecture on the Ophthalmic Institute in Warsaw and the role of its director, Dr. Wiktor F. Szokalski, in the creation of this ophthalmic center, which is renowned in Europe and whose fascinating history was interrupted by the World War II.