Medical University of Warsaw distinguished at the INTARG 2024 fair

The “Gold Medal of the Fair”, the “Thailand Award” and the “Diploma of the Minister of Science” – this is the result of the University’s participation in the 17th International Fair of Inventions and Innovations INTARG 2024 in Katowice.

Prizes at the Fair are awarded by a jury composed of renowned Polish and foreign scientists and experts. They evaluate innovative solutions and inventions (products, technologies and services) submitted to the competition to select the most interesting and important ones.

Fair 2024 Awards

In this edition of the Fair, one invention “A new combination of diagnostic markers for glioblastoma multiforme and its application” by the research team from the Medical University of Warsaw received two awards: the “Thailand Award”, the special prize for the best international invention and Innovation (certificate), and the “Gold Medal of the INTARG 2024 Fair” (certificate).

The awarded research team is composed of Dr. Katarzyna Zielniok from the Laboratory of Cellular and Genetic Therapies; Dr. Mieszko Lachota from the Department of Immunology; Dr. Agata Góźdź from the Department of Histology and Embryology; Dr. Patrycja Szpak from the Department of Histology and Embryology; Dr. Ilona Kalaszczyńska from the Department of Histology and Embryology; Dr. Tomasz Czernicki, from the Department of Neurosurgery and Pediatric Neurosurgery; and Dr. (hab.) Radosław Zagożdżon from the Cell and Genetic Therapies Laboratory.

Diploma of the Minister of Science

The 30th Jubilee TOP Invention Exchange took place during the INTARG 2024 Final Gala. At this ceremony, the Minister of Science rewarded our scientists from the Department of Immunology – Dr. Paweł Matryba, Prof. Jakub Gołąb and M.Sc. Jacek Tomczuk – for “the method and solution for optically cleansing and expanding tissues”. This is a distinction for high-ranking awards received in connection with the presentation and promotion of inventions in 2023 at the international invention fair (certificate).

The 17th International Fair of Inventions and Innovations INTARG 2024 took place on May 21-23, 2024. This event serves to promote innovative products, technologies and services in various industries and fields. It presents the potential and achievements of technological thought and science, i.e. inventions, technologies and services addressed to various industries and the economy as the whole.