Medicine at the Edge of the World. Another installment of the MUW Patronage Program

This time the speakers were two female medical students from our university. They told high school students about exchanges and trips abroad. They shared their own experiences from internships they had in Asia and Africa.

Aleksandra Maciejczyk and Katarzyna Camlet are studying medicine and belong to the international student organization IFMSA-Poland Warsaw Branch. It was within the framework of IFMSA that they went on a summer student exchange. Aleksandra was in Korea, and Katarzyna in Kenya. They talked about these trips during their presentations. However, they started by giving an account of their internship in Denmark. It was prepared by Janusz Świeczkowski-Feiz, who could not make it to the meeting with high school students.

Radiology in Scandinavia

- Janusz was doing his internship in the radiology department. Interestingly, in the hospital, this department included several floors - Alexandra reported. - On each of them radiologists dealt with other types of diseases, for example, there was a floor dedicated to orthopedics, oncology, etc. 
The presentation prepared by Janusz Świeczkowski-Feiz also featured photos of Copenhagen's attractions, because student exchanges are not only about working in the hospital. There is also time for excursions and sightseeing.

Hospital in South Korea

- Koreans have a different style of work than Europeans. They act like one big family -  Alexandra said about her summer internship trip to Asia. - I did my internship in the cardiac surgery department, where everyone welcomed me very warmly. We went to lunches together. The professors were eager to show and explain everything. And most importantly, I was actually able to assist in operations every day, which was a great development for me - emphasized our student.

Internships in Kenya

Katarzyna Camlet told high school students about what hospital and medical care was like in Kenya. During her internship, she lived in Tika, near Nairobi. She was assigned to a student group that was taking classes at a local hospital in the internal medicine department. 

- Conditions there were quite difficult. Sometimes there was a shortage of disposable gloves or disinfectant fluids - we had to bring them with us. When you choose such a country, you have to be prepared for this - said Katarzyna. At the same time, she stressed that she felt safe during her internship. She also managed to do a lot of sightseeing, as there were trips to the coast or on safari on weekends.

Quiz at the end

At the end, our students prepared a short quiz for high school students on the countries they talked about. There were prizes for the three people answering best and fastest.
The meeting was held at Stefan Batory High School in Warsaw. It was attended by high school students not only from Batory, but also from the Władysław IV High School No. VIII. They were students of the fourth, third and second grades of the biological and chemical profile.