One of our students became the chairman of the Young Medical Staff Education Council and won the “Young Leader” award

Prof. Ryszard Gellert, director of the Postgraduate Medical Education Center (CMKP) announced the launch of a Young Medical Staff Education Council. Janusz Świeczkowski-Feiz, student of the 6th year of the WUM Faculty of Medicine, became the chair of the Council. This student of ours also won a reputable “Young Leader” award. All that was happening at the 1st Health Care Forum.

The Young Medical Staff Education Council will be an independent body. Their role is to draw the CMKP Director’s attention to those areas of postgraduate training which need to be changed in the opinion of young doctors. They may propose ongoing or strategic solutions and innovations.

– This will be a class of opinions expressed by people at various stages of their education: students of the final years of the Faculty of Medicine, resident doctors and new doctors right after their specialization training. In this way, the current situation can be evaluated in an objective manner - Janusz Świeczkowski-Feiz said, emphasizing that with such a large audience, no age group will be excluded from the opportunity to speak about changing the postgraduate training system in Poland.

The 1st Health Care Forum took place on 19-20 June in Wąsowo near Poznań, entitled “Quality, availability, ethics - the European dimension of health.” During the ceremony on the first evening, awards were presented to true contributors to change in the health care system. Janusz Świeczkowski-Feiz received the “Young Leader” award from professor Marcin Gruchała and government minister Adam Bromber. Adam Niedzielski, Minister of Health, was also present at the ceremony.