Our student on the podium in the 14th Intercollegiate Nursing Olympiad

Kamila Zacharewicz, a third-year nursing student at the Faculty of Health Sciences, took 2nd place on the podium. Thus, she beat 43 people who decided to compete in the XIV Intercollegiate Nursing Olympiad named after Dr. Janina Fetlinskaya. Congratulations!

The Intercollegiate Nursing Olympiad is aimed at the third-year students of the first degree studies in nursing. This year's edition of the event was attended by 45 students from 14 national universities studying in this field. The finals were held at the National Academy of Applied Sciences in Przemyśl.


The first place went to Judyta Homoncik from the Academy of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sącz, the second to our student Kamila Zacharewicz, and the third to Oskar Soczyński from the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Academy in Cracow. In addition to Kamila Zacharewicz, another student from MUW - Natalia Pisarek - also made the finals.   

The course of the Olympiad

The Olympiad consisted of three stages. Forty-five students took part in the first stage - a test consisting of 60 questions. Those with the highest scores qualified for the second stage, in which they had to perform - under simulated conditions - one nursing procedure based on a selected case study and develop a nursing process for it. The committee evaluated the correct knowledge of the procedure performed and, among other things, the nursing diagnosis accuracy, the ability to present nursing interventions appropriate to the diagnosis, and the ability to use correct medical language.

Students with the highest number of points met in the third - final stage of the Olympiad. Their task was to prepare a multimedia presentation on one of two proposed topics: Current Challenges in Nursing or Model of Nursing Care in Community Settings, and then present it before the committee. The committee evaluated the compliance of the presentation with the topic, correctness of the content, up-to-date knowledge of the subject under discussion and, among other things, attractiveness of the message, coherence of the speech, use of correct terminology. Kamila Zacharewicz's presentation dealt with the impact of current challenges facing nursing, including staff shortages, educational requirements, patient diversity, on the quality of nursing staff.

Supervision of the students who took part in the Olympiad was provided by Dr. Zofia Sienkiewicz of the Department of Social Nursing and Lena Serafin, MD, PhD, of the Department of Clinical Nursing.

The event was held under the honorary patronage of the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Mariusz Gujski.
Photography: Grzegorz Gajdzik, from: pans.pl