
This year’s course included 6 sessions and 33 lectures focusing on kidney, liver and thoracic organ transplantation, as well as topics in immunology and modern therapies in transplantology. Additionally, essential issues related to patient care, modern diagnostics and treatment optimization for transplant recipients were addressed.

The competition for the best master’s theses was held for the 61st time at the Faculty of Pharmacy and the 15th time at the Faculty of Medical Laboratory Science. Fifteen finalists competed for the titles of winners.

The agreement covers cooperation in disseminating knowledge about intellectual property. The expertise from the Office and the academic acquis of the MUW will be essential in implementing joint initiatives.

Why unusual? It was held for fifth year students of the English Division. Originally planned for September 2020, their White Coat Ceremony had been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What an awesome result! We would like to once again thank everyone who got involved in the “MUW Community for WOŚP” campaign for supporting the fundraiser for the benefit of hematology and pediatric oncology.

As decided in a majority vote, financing will be awarded to two student-proposed projects: additional furnishings for the student cloakroom at the CSH at the UCC MUW, and for creating a work&chillout area for students on call at the same institution. From among employee-lead projects, the voters selected two: the comprehensive modernization of break rooms in the ZIAM building as well as setting up a bicycle shed at the Banacha Campus. Nearly 1700 people cast their votes between February 18 and 22.

Kamila Zacharewicz, a nursing student from the Faculty of Health Sciences MUW, took 3rd place in the finals of the 13th BraveCamp Entrepreneurship Academy. The jury appreciated her PrimiCare - an original design for securing incontinence diapers to prevent unconscious removal by patients with dementia diseases.

The conference was a summary of the series of debates “Road to the Presidency.” During the event, the White Paper, a document constituting a collection of comments and opinions on the priorities of the Polish Presidency in the EU Council, was presented. Five panel discussions were held, with the participation of more than 40 experts. The guest of honor was Lech Wałęsa.

The just-published latest edition of the prestigious list - the List of One Hundred - included as many as 22 people from MUW. This is the umpteenth time that the plebiscite's jury has recognized the achievements and positive impact of our university's representatives on the development of medicine and health care in the country.

The old prints from the collection of pharmacist and pharmacy historian Teofil Tugendhold have found their way into the collection of the Museum of the History of Medicine MUW thanks to the restitution efforts of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The collection of 800 publications from the former collection of the Library of the Department of Applied Pharmacy of the University of Warsaw, was lost during World War II.