RhinoForum 2020

Event date

Press release concerning the Symposium on "ENTIRE POLAND READs EPOS 2020", which will be held in the framework of Rhinoforum 2020:

The symptoms of coronavirus disease largely coincide with acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. This year, the extremely important European Guidelines for the Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps - EPOS 2020 dedicated to this topic were published. These very timely recommendations in the COVID era will be discussed at the upcoming virtual conference RhinoForum 2020.

EPOS 2020 presents current recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis, also in children. The newest guidelines largely change the way these diseases are managed and treated. In addition, they enable pharmacists, nurses, medical attendants and patients themselves to become involved in this process, allowing them to become more independent in the implementation of conservative therapy through the use of OTC drugs.

"EPOS 2020 contains absolutely new content that requires an in-depth study and a renewed understanding of what paranasal sinusitis, especially chronic, is. It introduces new concepts, terms and guidelines on how the therapy should be conducted nowadays. And there is nothing left for us to do but sit down and start learning again," says Prof. Antoni Krzeski, Head of the Department of  Otorhinolaryngology of the Medical University of Warsaw. 

The symposium will take place on December 5th and will be broadcast live. Sessions will be accompanied by scientific discussions, and participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to lecturers in live chat. Access to all archived recordings will be available for 30 days after the conference. The symposium is aimed at family doctors, internists, paediatricians, allergologists, pharmacists and, of course, laryngologists.

"Entire Poland Reads EPOS 2020” is only a part of the rich programme of the RhinoForum 2020 conference. The conference will last 2 days and will include live streaming from 2 rooms simultaneously for about 1000 participants. Among  32 lecturers there will be some renowned  guests including  Prof. Paolo Castelnuovo with the team of the Otolaryngology Clinic in Varese, Italy - the world's leading center for the paranasal sinuses and skull base surgery and Prof. Darlene Lubbe from the Republic of South Africa - the pionieer of contemporary transorbital endoscopic approaches to pathologies adjacent to the eye orbit.

RhinoForum 2020 is organized by the Polish Rhinology Society  in cooperation with the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Medical University of Warsaw. The conference is held under the auspices of the European Rhinology Society and the event is held under the honorary patronage of the Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw Professor Zbigniew Gaciong, MD, PhD.

Detailed information, full conference program and registration form are available at  www.forumrynologiczne.pl.


Polish Rhinology Society in cooperation with the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Medical University of Warsaw.
H.M. Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw – Professor Zbigniew Gaciong, MD, PhD