Announcement No. 5/2021 of the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Education, MUW, of March 26, 2021, regarding the mode of didactic classes, informing that in the current epidemic situation only practical skills classes, including exercises and work placement, will be carried out in the contact form, while all other didactic classes are to be held remotely.
Due to the very high number of COVID-19 cases in Poland and following the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education amending the Regulation on the standards of education preparing for the profession of doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic of 18 March 2021 (Journal of Laws 2021, item 519), which entered into force on March 23, 2021, it is recommended that all didactic classes, other than practical skills classes, including practical classes and work placement, should be conducted using distance learning methods and techniques.
Prof. Marek Kuch, MD, PhD
Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Education
Medical University of Warsaw