Right hemihepatectomies, or anatomical resections of the right liver segments, are among the most extensive and technically challenging laparoscopic liver surgery procedures. For patients with cirrhosis, these surgeries are performed only in few and the most specialized liver and biliary surgery centers in the world.
The surgery was possible due to the development of a pioneering program of extensive anatomical liver resections by Prof. Michał Grąta and his associates: Maciej Krasnodębski, MD, PhD, Konrad Kobryń, MD, Marcin Morawski, MD, Paweł Rykowski, MD, Małgorzata Nowosad, MD, Michał Skalski, MD, and Marta Dec, MD. Since September 2020, the team has successfully performed more than a dozen extensive anatomical liver resections for primary and secondary cancers of this organ. The development of the program was also possible thanks to the involvement of the operating block nursing team: Joanna Jabłonowska (Charge nurse), Jolanta Budny and Marzena Kaczmarska.
The introduction of minimally invasive techniques to perform these surgeries leads to less surgical trauma, faster rehabilitation, and less pain, while maintaining the highest standards of oncologic surgery. Right hemihepatectomy in patients with cirrhosis is the operation with the highest risk of complications, especially bleeding and postoperative liver failure. This surgery was performed for a rare aggressive liver tumor with features of combined hepatocellular/cholangiocellular carcinoma with tumor masses filling the right portal vein and its branches.
The postoperative course was uncomplicated, the patient quickly returned to his preoperative performance level and left the clinic on postoperative day 8.