Statuette of Saint Apollonia for MUW professor

Professor Agnieszka Mielczarek, Vice Dean for Education of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Head of the Department of Conservative Dentistry at the Medical University of Warsaw, received from the Regional Medical Chamber the Statuette of Saint Apollonia - the Patron Saint of Dentists. The awarding of the statuette honors people who have made special contributions to support the dental community. Prof. Agnieszka Mielczarek received the award from Łukasz Jankowski, President of the Regional Medical Chamber, and Dariusz Paluszek, Vice-President of the RMC, during the solemn diploma awarding ceremony of the Faculty of Dental Medicine.

The Chapter, appointed by members of the  Dental Practitioners’ Committee of the Regional Medical Council, appreciated the competence of Professor Agnieszka Mielczarek and her extensive activity for the benefit of Polish dentistry. It was emphasized, among other things, that Prof. Agnieszka Mielczarek is well-known and respected as a researcher and author of many publications. As the Vice Dean for Education at the FDM MUW, Head of the Department of Conservative Dentistry at the MUW, and an academic teacher, she has significantly contributed to raising the level of education of dentists. The jury also recognized her activities as National Consultant in the field of conservative dentistry with endodontics, President of the Warsaw branch of the Polish Dental Association, and Vice President of the Polish Society of Geriatric Dentistry.


Saint Apollonia - the Patron Saint of Dentists. St. Apollonia was born at the end of the second century in Alexandria, Egypt. She was a deaconess of the Church of Alexandria, known for her great piety and charity to the poor. In 249 in Alexandria, during the pogrom against Christians, Roman soldiers tried to force Apollonia to renounce her faith by torture. Sources say her jaw was broken, some of her teeth were knocked out, and those that were not smashed out were pulled out one by one. The Christian Apollonia's suffering ended with her martyrdom at a burning stake.