"Consult a Pharmacist" campaign

Event date
On-line. The finale of the action will take place on November 20 in shopping malls in Warsaw.

It is an action focused on raising public awareness of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and insulin resistance, which is the main theme of the event.

During the campaign, members of the PTSF Warsaw Branch together with cooperating student organizations will conduct free medical examinations in shopping malls in Warsaw - all for prevention of  civilization diseases. Volunteers measure blood glucose levels, blood pressure, body composition and weight analysis, among other things.


Polskie Towarzystwo Studentów Farmacji oddział Warszawa. Współorganizatorzy: Studenckie Towarzystwo Diagnostów Laboratoryjnych, Studenckie Koło Naukowe Żywienia Klinicznego, Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Studentów Medycyny IFMSA-Poland, Fundacja DKMS
JM Rektor WUM - Zbigniew Gaciong