Aneurysm treatment without a scalpel. World’s first such procedure performed by specialists from the Medical University of Warsaw

Our team of doctors performed laser fenestration of a stent-graft into the aortic arch in a 71-year-old patient. This procedure is pioneering. It is minimally invasive, does not require the use of extracorporeal circulation, and its use shortens the time of hospitalisation and postoperative rehabilitation.

The procedure was performed in a patient with aortic arch dissection. Previously, the patient had already undergone aortic replacement in 2011. She is currently not qualified for standard surgery with extracorporeal circulation. A novel procedure was therefore performed on her.

Dr Rafał Maciąg, from the team of doctors carrying out the procedure, explains what it involved: - Using an excimer laser from percutaneous vascular accesses (needle puncture) through the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery, we performed fenestration of the sheath of the simultaneously implanted stent graft and then, using covered stents through the holes created, we supplied the above vessels, achieving flow through all branches of the aortic arch. The innovation of the procedure also lies in the type of stent graft we use, which is mass-produced and available immediately, which is particularly useful in urgent situations.

The operation took place on 27 July this year. The patient was discharged from the hospital in excellent condition.

The procedure was performed by doctors from the 2nd Department of Clinical Radiology in cooperation with the Department of General, Endocrine and Vascular Surgery and the 2nd Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care of the University Clinical Centre of the Medical University of Warsaw.

The team consisted of dr n. med. Rafał Maciąg, a specialist in radiology and image diagnostics, dr Vadym Matsibora, a specialist in radiology and image diagnostics, dr Michał Sajdek, resident doctor during specialisation in radiology and image diagnostics, dr Tadeusz Bering, a specialist in anaesthesiology and intensive therapy, dr Łukasz Karwański, electrobiology technician, Iwona Turek, instrument nurse, Barbara Struś, anesthesiology nurse.