A unique exhibition at MUW as part of the Movember campaign

The Learning Center showcases extraordinary paintings. These are scans of histopathology slides from testicular cancer patients, among others. The exhibition accompanies the annual Movember campaign, which aims to raise awareness of male cancers.

- The images we have chosen have not only an educational value, but also an aesthetic one. We obtained them from the archives of the Department of Pathomorphology of the Medical University of Warsaw - says Janusz Świeczkowski-Feiz, the event's organizer, the president of the Warsaw Branch of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations IFMSA-Poland.

Not only can you view scans of histopathology slides at the exhibition, but you can also meet and talk with the volunteers. They will answer all the questions about prostate cancer and testicular cancer prevention: when and how men should examine themselves, what symptoms to look out for, what preventive examinations to perform and how often.

- As medical students, we want to encourage all men to get regular preventive screenings. Testicular cancer is the most common malignancy in men aged 18 to 40 years. However, when it comes to prostate cancer, data available, for example, on oncologia.org.pl show that of all men who will develop cancer, as many as 20 percent will be men with prostate cancer. The incidence of disease is therefore high, which is why we stress the importance of preventive screenings. Early detection of cancerous changes can save lives - emphasizes Janusz Świeczkowski-Feiz.

The unusual exhibition can be seen from 15 to 19 November. Movember, on the other hand, runs throughout November. It's an action spread around the world. Its name is a combination of two English words: moustache and November. That's why we have a lot of men's health education campaigns in November, and men themselves grow mustaches as a symbol of masculinity to remind them of prostate cancer and testicular cancer prevention.  

The exhibition in the Didactic Center is held under the patronage of Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of MUW
Organizers of the exhibition: Jan Bociański, Janusz Świeczkowski-Feiz.