We will examine how microbiota transplantation affects Parkinson's disease symptoms and progression

Dariusz Koziorowski, MD, PhD, and Monika Figura, MD, from the Department of Neurology of the Faculty of Health Sciences MUW, in collaboration with the specialists from the Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at the Mazovian Bródno Hospital, will examine the impact of intestinal microbiota transfer (IMT) on the severity of motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

Our researchers planned a detailed evaluation of parameters such as disease progression, levodopa absorption, and the impact of the procedure on quality of life.

- A specimen of intestinal microbiota obtained from healthy donors will be administered during colonoscopy. Next, the patients will be examined several times by a neurologist. The final evaluation will take place 12 months after the procedure and will determine the long-term effect of the intervention. In addition to neurological evaluation, patients will also be examined by a psychologist and physiotherapist - explains Dariusz Koziorowski, MD, PhD. And he adds: - The composition of the intestinal microbiota before and after the surgery will be studied in detail to identify pathogens that may affect the course of the disease.

The project will be funded through this year's National Research Grant competition entitled: "Microbiota - in search of effective interventions" of the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation.