VII Warsaw Health Promotion Days

Event date

This year's conference will be held under the theme: "Lifestyle of pregnant women." The Scientific Committee has prepared many interesting sessions on topics such as: diet, supplementation, physical activity, mental health, and also recommended tests, chronic diseases and pharmacotherapy.

Conference program

The event includes a poster session. Submissions may address issues broadly related to the lifestyles of pregnant women, including: physical activity, healthy diet, health screenings, the role and experiences of fathers, and chronic disease comorbidities. Students and PhD students who wish to participate in the session are requested to submit an abstract by 01/03/2022 to:

Session Rules

Participation in the VII WHPD is free of charge.
The event will be streamed live on the Healthy Engaged Citizens Foundation’s Facebook page.


Student Scientific Society of Public Health - Health Promotion Section operating at the Department of Public Health of the Faculty of Health Sciences MUW with the support of the Healthy Engaged Citizens Foundation
HM Rector of MUW– Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong