Emergency medicine training for Ukrainian doctors

MUW specialists will train 400 Ukrainian doctors in emergency medicine, battlefield medicine and the dressing of multiple organ injuries under wartime conditions. Medical University of Warsaw hosted a delegation from the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University: Prof. Oryna Detsyk, Prof. Ulyana Kuz, Prof. Iryna Kozova, Prof. Irena Kozlova.

The members of the delegation met with Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of MUW, and Prof. Robert Galązkowski, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Head of the Department of Medical Emergency at MUW. The talks focused on cooperation between universities in the face of Russia's aggression against Ukraine. It has been agreed that MUW specialists will train 400 Ukrainian doctors in emergency medicine. The trainings will take place on Ukrainian territory. Whereas, teams of five Ukrainian paramedic instructors will come to Poland to receive two-week training at MUW. After returning to Ukraine, the instructors will pass on their knowledge to doctors and paramedics there. In addition, there are plans to purchase equipment for teaching first aid and send it to Ukraine.
The meeting was also attended by Prof. Agnieszka Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska, Vice Rector for Human Resources, Prof. Pawel Wlodarski, Vice Rector for International Relations, Development and Promotion, Prof. Marek Kuch, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education, and Małgorzata Witkowska-Zimny, MD, PhD, Erasmus+ coordinator.

- We thank Poland very much for helping us, for standing beside us - said Prof. Oryna Detsyk, head of the delegation and head of the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health from the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. - We look forward to further cooperation to reach the standards of the European organization of health care in Ukraine - Prof. Detsyk added.

- Professor Detsyk is the doyenne of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation. This cooperation has been going on for 13 years. Within its framework, we have already trained 5,000 Ukrainian doctors, and for 9 years we have alternated between Poland and Ukraine to organize conferences on emergency medicine. It was the professor who coordinated on the Ukrainian side our action of handing over dozens of ambulances. All of them immediately went to the front - said Prof. Robert Galązkowski.

The Ukrainian delegation also met with Prof. Pawel Wlodarski, MUW's Vice Rector for International Relations, Development and Promotion, with whom they discussed further university cooperation and the possibilities of organizing study tours of Ukrainian academics to Poland and student exchanges.

The dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Mariusz Gujski, discussed the organization of training for Ukrainian psychologists in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as part of MUW's cooperation with SWPS University.

The visit was organized under the Erasmus+ program.