Another MUW scientist with the best result of the National Specialty Examination in fields applicable to health care in 2020

It was achieved by Artur Białoszewski, MPH, from the Department of Environmental Hazard Prevention, Allergology and Immunology UCC MUW, who completed his specialization in environmental health in 2020. In June he received congratulations from the Minister of Health for passing the National Specialty Examination in fields applicable to health care with the best score in 2020.

- Environmental health is a rapidly growing field that directly and indirectly affects our health. Measures to improve the environmental but also the social conditions of our lives are among the most important challenges of the coming decade. By joining forces and involving many stakeholders, experts, institutions, NGOs and private entities together we must succeed in taking care of the future of our local and global population – Białoszewski, MPH, wrote on his social media.

Artur Białoszewski, MPH, is an epidemiologist, public health specialist, as well as a member of the Environmental Hazards Committee of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Council of the Chief Sanitary Inspector. He also serves as the head of the SGH-WUM MBA Executive Program in Health Care. In 2022, he was appointed by the Mazovian Voivode as a voivodeship consultant in environmental health.