Very good positions in the world scientific ranking

CWTS Leiden Ranking 2022 results have been published. The list includes more than 1,300 top universities from around the world. It is based entirely on bibliographic data on scientific publications in the period 2017-2020. MUW performed very well in the ranking.

In the list of all national universities (regardless of field) included in the ranking, our university is ranked:

  • second place in the "gender" category
  • fifth place in the "collaboration" and "open access" categories
  • and seventh place in the "scientific impact" category

Our university was also ranked in the field of "Biomedical and health sciences." In all categories of "scientific impact", "collaboration", "open access" and "gender," it ranks second, just behind the Jagiellonian University. 

On the world list (regardless of field) we are:

  • at 403rd position in the "gender" category
  • at 640th position in the "collaboration" and "open access" category
  • 651st position in the "scientific impact" category

In the field of “Biomedical and health sciences”: at 217th in the “gender” category; 255th in the “scientific impact” category and 278th in the “collaboration” and “open access” categories.

Leiden Ranking is produced by the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at  Leiden University in the Netherlands. CWTS is a research center in the field of science and technology studies. The primary data source used for ranking is the Web of Science database. The Leiden ranking does not take into account conference proceedings publications and book publications. The leading position in the list was taken by Harvard University.

More about the ranking