Information and integration - a series of meetings for new ED and EDD students

Studying is a great adventure, but also a big challenge. Especially for those starting their first year of study abroad. Members of English Division Student Government MUW know this, and every year they organize Orientation Week for newly admitted foreign students.

Orientation Week is an informative and integrative event. During the few September days preceding the start of the academic year, those admitted to study in English at the fields of medicine and dental medicine, as well as students coming under the ERASMUS+ program, receive a package of indispensable tips on studying at MUW and staying in Warsaw. Above all, they become members of our university's academic community and get to know the colleagues with whom they will share academic ups and downs over the next few years.

On Wednesday, September 28, an official welcoming ceremony was held for all first-year students of the English Division and English Dentistry Division. It was attended by Prof. Marek Kuch, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education, who spoke to those gathered: - You have hard work ahead of you, but the good news is that at the end of this path you will become doctors. The university offers plenty of opportunities, you just have to take advantage of them. Everything is in your hands. I keep my fingers crossed and good luck at, from now on, your university.

The future doctors and dentists also heard words of support from Jacek Sienko, MD, PhD, Vice Dean for the English Division Faculty of Medicine: - I am glad that you have decided to choose MUW and spend six years in Poland. This is a big challenge for you. There will be good and bad moments. There will also come a time when you will wonder if it was worth it. I can tell you from my own experience - it was a good choice. I wish you to overcome all difficulties, work hard and become doctors in six years.
- We are very happy that you chose Poland and MUW. Remember that you have to start working to your full potential right now, because I would like to see you at the graduation ceremony - added Ewa Czochrowska, MD, PhD, Vice Dean of the Faculty for English Dentistry Division and International Cooperation

An important element of Orientation Week was the White Coat Ceremony. This is a relatively young academic tradition, originating in the United States. The first two white coat ceremonies took place in 1989 at the University of Chicago and in 1993 at Columbia University. Wearing a white coat marks the transition of a student from pre-clinical to clinical studies. At MUW, the ceremony takes place just before the start of the academic year, as our students take clinical classes from their first year. The initiator of the ceremony at our university was Disha Keshwani, a medical student currently in her sixth year.

Wearing a white coat is therefore a symbolic gesture of binding oneself to the medical profession, as well as joining the academic community. In this important moment, the students were accompanied by Prof. Pawel Wlodarski, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Development and Promotion, faculty representatives - Jacek Sienko, MD, PhD, and Ewa Czochrowska, MD, PhD, senior colleagues and families.  

During Orienatation Week, the students received the necessary information about the stay in Warsaw, including learning about the procedures they should follow to obtain a temporary residence permit. They learned about their rights and responsibilities as residents of the capital.  They were also able to inquire about health insurance options and set up a bank account. The students also toured the Banach Campus and the Lindley Campus. They obtained information about various student clubs and scientific organizations, such as SKN Psyche, AMSA and IFMSA-Poland. They learned about the services of the university's Counseling Services for students. They also had the opportunity to meet directly with the representatives of senior students, who were eager to share advice and experiences about learning and about the MUW. The whole event was organized by members of  the English Student Government MUW, with the support of the Faculty of Medicine and Dental Medicine as well as student volunteers.