Young swimmers competed at the Sports and Rehabilitation Center

The 12th season of the national swimming competition From Junior to Olympian has begun at the swimming pool at the Sports and Rehabilitation Center. Nearly 700 young swimmers from almost 70 clubs competed.

The competition was held on October 8. Children and teenagers aged 8 to 13 took part in the competition. For several hours 28 competitions were held among boys and girls: 50m and 100m freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, the butterfly, medley or 200m medley swimming. Everything was held in the short pool.

One part of the competition was opened by Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of MUW.    
- It's a great pleasure to host so many young people who crave for sports. We are trying to be a good partner for the AZS and I hope that this is one of the many editions that will be held at our facility. I hope we can fulfill the premise of this project and prepare the next Olympians. In addition, the event is a good promotion of the university for us. We hope that among the participants will be our future students - said the Rector.

The second stage of the From Junior to Olympian campaign will take place on November 19 in Lublin. The final - in mid-June 2023 in Warsaw. 

The organizer of the competition is AZS Warsaw.