The first in Poland adult kidney stone treatment using the Avicenna robotic system

A patient with complicated kidney stones has undergone ECIRS procedure (access through the kidney and ureter) using the Avicenna robotic system at the Department of Urology at the Medical University of Warsaw, Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital UCC MUW.

- This is a breakthrough in the treatment of kidney stones, says Professor Piotr Radziszewski, Head of the Chair and Department of General, Oncological and Functional Urology MUW.

Robotics has already entered urology on a permanent basis. As of this year, prostate cancer surgeries using the Da Vinci robot have been reimbursed. Now the staff of the Department of Urology MUW have the opportunity to test another robot, the Avicenna. It allows for much greater precision in operating a flexible ureterorenoscope inserted into the kidney through the ureter. The surgeon controls the operation of the ureterorenoscope with joysticks, and the device corrects unwanted movements, such as hand twitching. This greatly increases the safety of the laser-assisted kidney stone removal procedure. The use of the Avicenna robot allows even large (up to 4 cm) deposits to be crushed.

The pioneering procedure was performed by a team consisting of:
•    urology team: Prof. Piotr Radziszewski, Dr. Tomasz Piecha, Dr. Michal Niemczyk.
•    nursing team: Beata Lubiejewska-Szymaniak, Malgorzata Ryducha.
•    anesthesiology team: Dr. Aleksandra Walczak, nurse Jolanta Forney.