Young people on laboratory diagnostics

The 18th National Debate of Students of Medical Analytics has ended. This is a periodic event that brings together students - future laboratory diagnosticians from all over Poland. The host of this edition was the Student Society of Laboratory Diagnostics of the MUW.

Over 100 students from Białystok, Bydgoszcz, Gdańsk, Kraków, Lublin, Łódź, and other cities came to the Didactic Centre of the Medical University of Warsaw at the invitation of our diagnosticians. They discussed current issues concerning laboratory diagnostics and problems facing future representatives of this profession. Arrangements were also made as for further cooperation between the branches of the organization and cooperation between SSLD and the Polish Society of Laboratory Diagnostics. Much attention was paid to the organization of the LabTest competition, the 7th National Diagnostic Simulations and the National Laboratory Diagnostics Day. There was also a discussion about the promotion of the medical analytics major among high school students, not only from voivodship cities, but also from county towns. 
The participants of the event were also given a large dose of knowledge. Professor Zbigniew Fijałek, President of the STOP Illegal Pharmaceuticals Association presented very interesting inaugural lecture titled "Pharmaceutical crime in the third decade of the 21st century - threats and consequences”.
- An extremely important aspect of NDSMA is the opportunity to exchange observations and thoughts related to laboratory medicine, studying, the way of conducting classes at individual universities and activities within the student organization. It is nice to meet in a larger group and share experiences regarding, for example, foreign internships, which will certainly help us in further development - says Aleksandra Kumorek, Chairwoman of WUM SSLD . 
The guests of the event were: Piotr Luliński PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the MUW, Olga Ciepiela PhD, Vice-dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the MUW, Agnieszka Bazylko PhD, Vice-dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the MUW, Alina Niewiadomska, President of PLDC, Professor Katarzyna Winsz-Szczotka, President of PSLD, Grażyna Sygitowicz PhD, secretary of the main board of PSLD, Professor Grażyna Nowicka, head of the Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry of the MUW and Sławomir Białek PhD, supervisor of WUM SSLD. 
- I am glad, that after many years, the nationwide student debate has returned to Warsaw, within the walls of our university - said doctor Białek at the opening of the event. He reminded, that it was on the initiative of our students, that in 2009 the first nationwide conference for students of medical analytics was held. The conference initiated the creation of organizations associating students of medical analytics at the MUW and other universities. As a result of subsequent meetings, already held in the form of debates, the name of these organizations was unified into the Student Society of Laboratory Diagnostics. - The activity of WUM SSLD students would not have been possible without the support of the university and faculty authorities. I also hope that the current faculty authorities will also support the active activities of students associated in WUM SSLD - emphasized doctor Białek.

The debate was held under the honorary patronage of: Rector of the MUW, prof. Zbigniewa Gaciong and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, assoc. prof. Piotra Lulińskiego. Additional patrons: Krajowa Izba Diagnostów Laboratoryjnych, Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Laboratoryjnej, Polskie Towarzystwo Diagnostyki Laboratoryjnej Oddział Warszawski, Kolegium Medycyny Laboratoryjnej w Polsce. The sponsor of the event was PTDL Oddział Warszawski.