An outline of neonatology for midwives. Lectures by Prof. Milan Stanojevic

Prof. Stanojevic came at the invitation of Prof. Bozena Kociszewska-Najman, head of the Department of Neonatology and Rare Diseases UCC MUW, as part of the Visiting Professors program. He gave lectures to female midwifery students. - The midwife is the first person to see the newborn immediately after birth - Prof. Stanojevic emphasized during the meetings, so he devoted his speeches to how to properly examine newborns and analyze abnormalities in this group of patients.

Prof. Milan Stanojevic is a specialist in neonatology and pediatrics. He has published more than 330 scientific papers, authored 60 chapters in books and edited seven books. In 2022, he was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit by the President of Poland for promoting scientific and cultural cooperation between Poland and Croatia. For more than a dozen years, he served as head of the Neonatology Department at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical School University of Zagreb, and was an advisor to the Croatian Minister of Health. From 2015-2019, he served as President of the World Association of Perinatal Medicine (WAPM). He is currently a board member of the Fetus as the Patient Society and the International Academy of Perinatal Medicine (IAPM).
- Professor Stanojevic is actively involved in teaching neonatology to students and postgraduates at the Medical University of Zagreb and the International University of Dubrovnik, and is also a visiting professor at Weill Cornell Medical University in New York - says Professor Kociszewska-Najman. - We are extremely pleased that such a well-known and highly respected specialist in the world has also taught at our university.

What could the students attending the lectures of the invited specialist learn? First of all, that when examining a newborn, the most important thing is to know that birth is a continuation of a certain process, so knowledge of intrauterine life is essential. The course of pregnancy, fetal development, family history, is very important information to be used by both midwives and doctors. The professor discussed the types of examinations carried out during pregnancy, there was talk about skin-to-skin contact, the use of centile grids and the principles of physical examination in the newborn. The lectures were very interactive in nature. Students, on the basis of the recordings provided by the professor, among other things, compared the cry of a sick and healthy baby, assessed the shape of the newborn's head, indicating the position of the fetus during pregnancy or possible diseases as well as the condition of the skin, eyes, nose.
- It is extremely important that the first examination of a newborn is done correctly - the professor said during a lecture, adding that it is equally important for midwives to have empathy for the mother and patiently explain all her doubts. - Such empathy is needed in the daily work of every health care professional, Prof. Stanojevic stressed.
The Visiting Professors Program is implemented as part of the "MUW AID Academy of Innovative Didactics of the Medical University of Warsaw" project.