How we "played" for WOŚP

The 31st Finale is behind us. This year the Orchestra played to win against sepsis. And we played along with it. In Pole Mokotowskie we organized a meeting for dog lovers and their pets, during which money was collected for WOŚP. The fundraising also took place during the Indoor Football Tournament co-organized by us and during the ICE WUM Slide. Many students were also WOŚP volunteers. On our initiative, charity auctions and online fundraising were launched and are still ongoing.

Dog owners met in Pole Mokotowskie. The originator and host of the meeting was Prof. Marek Kuch,  Vice Rector of MUW, together with his cocker spaniel Tosca. Despite not very favorable weather, there was a lot going on. There was a training demonstration and games with dogs. Dog celebrities posing for photos, which will appear on magnets. Running uphill and downhill. Making new dog friendships and socializing in many dog languages and treats for gourmands. And for caregivers, an opportunity to spend time in nature. In addition, those who auctioned the dog bandanas on our online auction were able to pick them up, and those who didn't manage to bid - could receive them in exchange for a donation to the WOŚP.

Our students were very much involved in the "MUW community for WOŚP" campaign. Many collected money for the Orchestra at various points in Warsaw. WOŚP cans were also present during the indoor football match: MUW vs. Faculty of Law UW. And also at the Ice MUW night slide at Torwar, organized as every year. Our students also helped organize online auctions for the Orchestra, and set up an e-cash box for online collection. 

The "MUW Community for WOŚP" campaign was coordinated by the Student Government MUW, Departmental Student Councils, IFMSA-Poland Warsaw Branch and PTSS with the cooperation of the Communication and Promotion Office MUW.

As a reminder, with the money raised, the WOŚP will equip hospitals with equipment to speed up the diagnosis of sepsis.