Run for New Life, i.e. support for transplantology

The 22nd Run for New Life is now behind us. The initiative supports national transplantation and spreads the idea of conscious organ donation. The relay teams were made up of transplant recipients: young people, journalists, athletes, actors and representatives of transplant medicine. The latter group could not miss specialists from our university.

The event took place on May 13 in Wisła. At the starting line for the first time stood not three, but four-person relay teams. This is because the organizers also invited young people from schools in the Silesian province.

What is the idea behind the event

In fact, it was not a run, but a march with Nordic walking poles. Each participant had to walk his section of the route. The team with the best time was the winner of the run. But it wasn't about first place, it was about promoting health, raising awareness of transplantation procedures and building positive attitudes towards organ donation.

What the outcomes of the participation in the event are

The event was attended by a number of MUW representatives. One of them was Professor Slawomir Nazarewski, a specialist in general surgery, vascular surgery, clinical transplantology and angiology from the Department of General, Vascular, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery UCC. The Professor mentioned that he himself took part in a project to promote transplantation, as part of which schools were visited.

- Participating in an event where students can meet famous people, but most importantly have contact with organ transplant recipients, is more than that - says Prof. Nazarewski. - I myself am on the run for the seventh time. Last year, fate made it so that in my relay was a person to whom I transplanted a kidney 30 years ago. This shows that what I do makes sense - he adds.

Polish Transplantology Gala

Traditionally, the Polish Transplantology "Second Life" Gala was held on the eve of the event. Those who have distinguished themselves for Polish transplantology were honored. In the category "A Year in Polish Transplantation," awards were given to all lung transplant centers, including our UCC MUW.

MUW representatives in the Run for New Life:

  • Prof. Wojciech Lisik, Vice Rector for Clinical Affairs and Investments MUW
  • Prof. Sławomir Nazarewski from the Department of General, Vascular, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery UCC MUW
  • Jolanta Gozdowska, MD, PhD, from the  Department of Transplantation Medicine, Nephrology and Internal Diseases UCC MUW
  • Dr. Zygmunt Kaliciński from the Department of Cardiac Surgery UCC MUW
  • Dorota Miszewska-Szyszkowska, MD, head of the Outpatient Clinic for Transplant Medicine and Nephrology at the Infant Jesus Hospital in Warsaw UCC MUW
  • Krzysztof Zając, transplant coordinator at the Central Clinical Hospital UCC MUW
  • Prof. Małgorzata Sobieszczańska-Małek from the Department of Cardiac Surgery UCC MUW
  • Prof. Roman Danielewicz from the Department of General and Transplant Surgery at the Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital UCC MUW