Scientific and didactic conference "Socially responsible - examples of good practice"

Event date
Aula A, Didactic Centre od the MUW

The conference will allow Polish universities to share their experiences in implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The topics of this year's meeting will focus on discussing two of them: ensuring a healthy life for all people of all ages and promoting well-being (goal two), and good quality education (goal four). Speakers will be university social responsibility officers and committee members from units implementing the SOU's demands.

In the part of the programme aimed at the academic community, a debate is planned, during which works by students and teaching staff will be presented. The debate will take the form of a competition, during which two main prizes will be awarded by the Rector of the Warsaw Medical University, "Vindex Societatis Responsabilitatis Universitatis" - for a student and for an academic teacher.

All those interested in presenting their work have until 1 October this year to do so. Submissions can be sent to:

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

More information

Plenipotentiary of the Rector and the Committee for Social Responsibility of the University WUM and the Department of Fundamentals of Nursing WNoZ WUM
Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw