Over a dozen transplants in 24 hours

It was a remarkable achievement for transplantologists at the University Clinical Center MUW. On January 5, 2024, 6 livers, 7 kidneys, a heart, lungs and a pancreas were transplanted in our departments! Fifteen patients got a chance for a new life - one of them received two organs (a kidney and a pancreas).

- We went for the first organ transplant on the night of 4-5 January. And the last transplantation was completed on Saturday morning - reports Krzysztof Zając transplant coordinator of the UCC MUW and coordinator of Poltransplant for the Mazovian Province.

Patients with a chance for a new life

For now, it is too early to say whether all the transplants performed last Friday were successful. The condition of patients after such operations depends on many factors. However, doctors are making every effort to ensure that patients recover as quickly as possible.

Organizational and logistical challenge

- It was a huge organizational challenge. The entire operating theater at the Central Clinical Hospital UCC MUW and the Children's Clinical Hospital UCC MUW were on full alert. Transplants were also carried out at the Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital UCC MUW. Transplant teams worked for many hours. At one point, operations took place in 10 rooms in parallel - says Krzysztof Zając.
And he adds that more than 180 people worked to make these transplants happen. Most transplant centers in such a situation refuse to perform the procedure because they don't have such human and logistical resources.

The transplants at the University Clinical Center were performed by specialists from:

  • Department of General, Vascular, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery, headed by Prof. Zbigniew Gałązka
  • Department of Heart, Chest and Transplant Surgery, headed by Prof. Mariusz Kuśmierczyk
  • Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery, headed by Prof. Michał Grąt
  • Department of General and Transplant Surgery, headed by Prof. Maciej Kosieradzki

UCC MUW is the largest transplant center in Poland. One-third of transplants of vascularized organs nationwide are performed here.