1st International Congress of Cardiomyopathies

Event date
The congress will be held online.

The conference will feature nine sessions on the rapidly growing field of cardiomyopathy - most based on clinical cases. 

Scheduled include:

  • sessions of the 30 Club of the Polish Society of Cardiology, 
  • a session of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC HFA Young), 
  • student session, 
  • patient session. 

The congress will also feature magnetic resonance workshops led by experts from around the country and special guest Anna Baritussio (University of Padova, EACVI Councillor for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance). The 1st International Cardiomyopathy Congress will be a unique opportunity to recall the latest ESC guidelines published in 2023, listen to lectures and debates by prominent experts from around the country, and discuss the latest scientific reports.

Registration link

Congress link

1st Chair and Department of Cardiology MUW