The conference will focus on competencies and opportunities for their development among members of the academic community. The title of this year's KJU Day is “I came. Acquired. Have I won? On Developing Competencies at the University.”
Admission in the conference is open to all interested.
Program of the event
9.00 - Opening of the Conference by the JM Rector of WUM Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong
9.15 - Competencies, or “such and such”; Maksymilian Radzimirski, WUM Competency Development Office.
9.30 - What's in a shell..., or a panel discussion about university candidates
Monika Franczak-Rogowska, PhD, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
Jan Wróbel journalist, teacher, co-founder of the 1st Community High School
Maciej Rusiecki, director of the 5th Prince Józef Poniatowski High School in Warsaw
10.30 - break
10.45 - Who stops with whom..., or about the common path of students and didacticians
Feedback - about the role of the student in the development of the teacher - Prof. Dominika Nowis Laboratory of Experimental Medicine WUM
Dialogue or monologue? On communication between student and lecturer - Julia Krzeminska midwife, public health student
In the kitchen and on the table. Praise for feedback - Alexander Pawlicki teacher of history, social studies, philosophy and rhetoric, lecturer at the PAFF and UW School of Education
12.15 - break
12.30 - Wanted, wanted..., or the expectations of graduates and towards them
Lena Serafin, Ph.D., chairwoman of the Faculty Education Quality Team of the Faculty of Health Sciences at WUM.
Magdalena Sosnowska, recruiter at Talent Flow and career mentor at Career Mission specializing in the Life Sciences sector
Dr. n. social. Jakub Sokolnicki, head of the Competence Development Office
14.00 - Closing ceremony