International Masterclass of Donor Management, Kidney Procurement and Preservation in Transplantation

Event date
Medical Simulation Center, Medical University of Warsaw

The most eminent experts in Europe on the subject of kidney procurement, perfusion and preservation have been invited to the course as presenters. It is  the first time that such a course has been organized in Eastern Europe. Department of General, Vascular, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery which set up the workshops is the one with biggest experience in kidney transplantation in Poland.

The program focuses three main fields of organ donation. Firstly, we go through the aspects of donor assessment and management. European population is aging, donors are more demanding and need for identification acceptable grafts is crucial for improvement of the outcomes. Then, lectures highlight the technical issues of kidney procurement and bailout procedures. However the biggest accent is put on the options of preservation in the hipo-, subnormo- or normothermic conditions to improve outcomes of the transplantation.

The second day is based on hands-on workshops only designed for improvement skills in kidney retrieval and machine preservation. We will present the variety of new technologies that are used for organ recovery. As we know, meticulous procurement and proper storage which gives chance for organ reconditioning is the key for successful transplantation.

During these days participants will have opportunity to meet world-leading clinicians from the best centers in Europe. Experts from University of Oxford, Cambridge University, Leiden University Medical Center, Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, University Medical Center of Groningen and Medical University of Warsaw will share with the participants their knowledge and skills.


More information and registration:

Department of General, Vascular, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery WUM
Rector prof. Zbigniew Gaciong