Visit of a delegation from the National Medical University in Ivano-Frankivsk

Our university hosted Prof. Mariia Hryshchuk, Vice Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Relations, and Dr. Khrystyna Lesiv, Head of the International Relations Department from the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. The visit took place at the premises of the Medical University of Warsaw from 8 till 12 July 2024.

A visit to the Children's Clinical Hospital

The delegation visited the departments at the Children's Clinical Hospital: the Department of Neonatology and Rare Diseases, headed by Prof. Bożena Kociszewska-Najman, the Department of Pediatric Cardiology and General Pediatrics, headed by Prof. Bożena Werner, and the Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology, headed by Prof. Lidia Zawadzka-Głos.  The heads of the departments presented the activities as well as scientific and didactic achievements of their subordinate units.
Visit to the Medical Simulation Center and the University Dental Center

Prof. Mariia Hryshchuk, together with Dr. Khrystyna Lesiv, also visited the state-of-the-art Medical Simulation Center, headed by Dr. Marcin Kaczor.
They also visited the University Dental Center, where they were hosted by Prof. Agnieszka Mielczarek - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.
The delegates from the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University were very impressed by both the Children's Clinical Hospital, the Medical Simulation Center and the University Dental Center, especially their equipment in accordance with the latest standards and modern organization of work.

Discussions at the Scientific & Didactic Projects Department and the Faculty of Pharmacy

The delegation from Ukraine had the opportunity to meet with Dorota Szubstarska, MBA, Director of the Scientific & Didactic Projects Department and learn about the application procedures at the Project Support Department, procedures related to the settlement of projects of the Scientific Project Department and the Education Project Department, including the effects of didactic projects. The cooperation with researchers in the organization of a clinical research was discussed at the Academic Support Center for Clinical Research.
At the Faculty of Pharmacy - a meeting was held with Prof. Sebastian Granica, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology and Prof. Jakub Piwowarski, during which the delegates learned about the effects of implementing ongoing projects.
The possibility was also established for pharmacy students from Ivano-Frankivsk to carry out their master's thesis at the Departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Official meeting with the Rector

During the official meeting, the Ukrainian guests were welcomed by the Rector, Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong. In addition to the delegates, also present were Prof. Piotr Pruszczyk, Vice Rector for Science and Technology Transfer, Prof. Robert Gałązkowski, Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Education, Prof. Mariusz Gujski, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Agnieszka Mielczarek, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Agnieszka Bazylko, MD, PhD, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Marcin Kaczor, Head of the Medical Simulation Center, Dorota Szubstarska, MBA , director of the Scientific and Didactic Projects Department, Lidia Przepióra-Dziewulska, Head of the International Relations Office.

Academic cooperation and exchange

It is worth emphasizing that for the past two years, students, doctoral students and academic teachers as well as administrative staff of partner medical universities from Ukraine have been participating in studies and traineeships as part of the Erasmus+ mobility program. The arrivals of Ukrainian grantees are based on signed Institutional Bilateral Agreements of the Erasmus+ Program. This is a tremendous support for these universities in their efforts to adapt their teaching to the high European Standards of Education. During her visit to MUW, Vice-Rector Mariia Hryshchuk expressed interest in signing a Memorandum of Cooperation and Academic Exchange with MUW, which would include scientific and teaching cooperation.