Winning projects
The jury awarded ex aequo first winning place to two combined projects: “Total Artificial Heart (TAH), new generation Aeson Carmat” as well as ”Introduction of advanced treatment methods for patients with liver necrosis including salvage hepatectomy, large volume plasmapheresis, mechanical circulatory support and intensive therapy with subsequent liver transplantation.” The awards, at a gala ceremony held at the PIM MSWiA auditorium in Warsaw, were received by Prof. Mariusz Kuśmierczyk, Head of the Department of Heart, Thoracic and Transplant Surgery UCC MUW, and Prof. Michał Grąt, Head of the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery UCC MUW - the authors of the projects.
The competition and jury
The “ Healthy Future - Inspirations” competition is a ranking of the best projects in the fields of health care, prevention, occupational safety and environmental protection, evaluated in seven categories. It promotes individuals, institutions, hospitals, non-governmental organizations and companies working in the field of health and environmental protection, which in the passing year have been particularly meritorious in promoting new ideas, solutions and technologies. The awards are decided by a panel consisting of more than forty health care professionals and winners from previous years. It is chaired by Marek Tombarkiewicz, MD, Director of the Holy Spirit Hospital in Sandomierz, Deputy Minister of Health in 2016-2018.
Strong competition
This year, several hundred projects were submitted, and more than 200 of them qualified for the finals. The “Healthy Future-Inspirations” Competition is part of the “Safe Hospital of the Future” educational program, conducted by Idea Trade company since 2015, aimed at people in the healthcare industry - hospitals, local governments, NGOs and commercial companies.
Honorary patronage of the Competition was assumed by: Filip Nowak, President of the National Health Fund, Zbigniew Derdziuk, President of the Social Insurance Institution, Agnieszka Szczygielska, Director of the Central Institute for Labor Protection - PIB and Paweł Grzesiowski, MD, Chief Sanitary Inspector.
Source UCC MUW