Obstetrics without borders - symposium at MUW

What does teaching in obstetrics look like nowadays? What innovative methods can be used in it to strengthen the theoretical and practical knowledge of future midwives? These were the main questions that were sought to be answered during a scientific conference organized by the SKN Ethics and the SKN Obstetrics at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Didactics MUW. The event took place on May 24 at the Didactic Center MUW and brought together many interested parties.

As Dr. Barbara Mazurkiewicz of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Didactics MUW, chairwoman of the organizing committee, explains, the theme of this year's conference "Obstetrics without borders - innovation, knowledge, practice" was dictated by the changing educational needs of students. - The pandemic period introduced new forms of education using multimedia tools. This made it possible to carry out some of the projects online, which expanded the opportunities for contacts with various centers that, like our university, have changed the way they teach. However, education carried out in this way has shown that it is necessary to look for new methods of transmitting knowledge in direct contact with the student. Openness to new activities also concerned the possibility of learning about the work of the ERASMUS project or exchanging experiences with people studying at other universities in the EU - says Dr. Mazurkiewicz.

Clinical reasoning - not only "how" but also "why"

Małgorzata Stefaniak, MD, PhD, spoke during the inaugural lecture  about the clinical reasoning and how does it translate into the quality of patient care for midwives and nurses. - Intense progress and development of modern medical technologies impose the need for changes in the field of medical education - the speaker explained. - One of the tools that has a practical impact on the quality of education and the preparation of students for professional work is clinical reasoning skills.

Małgorzata Stefaniak, MD, PhD, presented Prof. Tracy Levett Jones' concept that clinical reasoning is a continuous process. The nurse/midwife assesses the clinical situation in the shortest possible time, then implements the intervention, taking the appropriate action considering the goal. Finally, by evaluating the results, she makes a reflective evaluation of the procedure used. In clinical reasoning, the key skills are: the ability to observe, analyze information, create hypotheses and verify them. Małgorzata Stefaniak, MD, PhD: - Taking into account in the professional practice of nurses and midwives the elements that make up the cycle of clinical reasoning facilitates the definition of the nursing plan. It also allows for its individualization, which has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the measures taken. Nurses and midwives with clinical reasoning skills have a positive impact on patient outcomes.

Topics of lecture sessions

The conference consisted of two lecture sessions. During both, the speakers were students of our university - members of the SKN Ethics and the SKN Obstetrics. - The conference is important because it is entirely organized by students - stressed Professor Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of MUW, during the opening ceremony. - It is an expression of the extraordinary activity of the scientific circles operating at our university - the Rector added.

What could you listen to during the first session? Patrycja Latopolska discussed the tutoring; Katarzyna Janisiewicz, Julia Kurk and Luiza Stańczak - OSCE exam; Barbara Radosz and Gabriela Dudewicz - mentoring. Gabriela Włodarczyk and Aleksandra Ziółek spoke about how to educate the younger generation - recipients of midwifery care At the end of the session, Justyna Krysiak gave a presentation entitled "Student participation in the educational process - professional responsibility".

The second session featured: again Barbara Radosz and Gabriela Dudewicz, who spoke about their experiences as Erasmus exchange students. Oksana Stępień and Gabriela Chechowicz presented the concept of Cooperative Online Peer Assisted Learning in Midwifery and its use for competence development in the midwifery profession. Psychophysical support of the woman in labor was the subject of a lecture by Alexandra Damentko and Saskia van den Bercken. A review of the literature on medical simulation in the training of midwives was presented by Julia Szatkowska and Magdalena Debska. The sessions were closed by Veronika Zgiecz and Klaudia Dobosz with a lecture on childbirth outside the hospital walls.

The presentations were made under the guidance of Dr. Barbara Mazurkiewicz and Dorota Cholewicka, supervisors of the SKN Ethics, as well as Grażyna Bączek, MD, PhD, supervisor of the SKN Midwifery.

Poster session

One of the highlights of the program was a poster session. This year it was entirely in multimedia form. Traditionally, the topic was various aspects of obstetric care for women in health and illness. The session was in the form of a competition, so each author of the qualified posters discussed her chosen topic in five minutes in front of the jury and the audience. The first place went to Julia Wcislo and Dominika Piwowarska for their poster "VR technology as a method of alleviating labor pain - a review paper by SNK Obstetric Care, Institute of Nursing and Obstetrics of the Faculty of Health Sciences Jagiellonian University Medical College." The second prize went to Alicja Misztal, Julia Klimanek and Agnieszka Wyrębek for the work "Development of professional independence on the example of the midwife-coordinated care model."  They also won third place, this time for their work "Study visit to Queen Alexsandra Hospital Porsmouth."

About the conference

The symposium is cyclical, it is its 10th edition. It is organized on the occasion of Midwifery Day, celebrated in Poland on May 8. This is the birthday of Stanisława Leszczyńska, a midwife, a prisoner of the Auschwitz concentration camp, who, despite the prohibition of the German guards, received 3,000 births there.
The 10th edition was opened by Justyna Teliga Czajkowska, MD, PhD, Vice Dean for Midwifery at the Faculty of Health Sciences, a member of the conference's scientific committee. The Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Mariusz Gujski, and Dr. Grażyna Bączek, head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Didactics, also gave a speech.


In addition to those mentioned, the event was attended by: Łukasz Czyżewski, MD, PhD, Vice Dean for Nursing at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Ewa Piotrkowska, Director of the Duchess Anna Mazowiecka Clinical Hospital, Marzena Sienicka - Deputy Director for nursing at the Duchess Anna Mazowiecka Clinical Hospital, Julita Misiak from the University Center for Women's and Newborn Health MUW, Prof. Piotr Węgrzyn, Head of the Department of Obstetrics, Perinatology and Gynecology UCC MUW, employees of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Didactics MUW and midwives from Warsaw hospitals.