Opus 25 for our researcher

The National Research Center, in the Opus 25 procedure, is going to fund the research project by Magdalena Weronika Paplińska-Goryca, PhD, from the Clinical Department of Internal Medicine, Pneumonology and Allergology. The study concerns air pollution-related lung damage occurrence and regeneration mechanisms.

On November 23, the National Research Center presented the ranking lists of projects qualified for funding under the Opus 25 competitive procedure. These include our researcher’s project entitled Damage occurrence and regeneration mechanisms upon exposure to air pollution particulates and microplastics in acute and chronic respiratory failure. The value of funding is PLN 773,916.

The project will assess the impact of air pollution-related particulates and microplastics on the biological processes involving damage to respiratory epithelium. This purpose will be pursued using in vitro 3D model of acute and chronic damage to epithelium containing co-cultures of macrophages and bronchial epithelium cells.

- The results of our research may be helpful in full understanding of the important processes related to the toxicity of air pollutants and their effect on healthy and damaged epithelium - Dr Paplińska-Goryca says, adding that the specific processes affected by suspended particulates in airway epithelium are important in terms of possible therapeutic applications, particularly in chronic air pollutant exposure regions. - We are positive that the project findings will contribute to a better understanding of the effect of environmental pollution on the pathobiology of chronic lung diseases - our researcher emphasizes.