Agreement on cooperation between MUW and AstraZeneca has been signed

In the agreement, both sides express their desire to conduct joint activities, declare the exchange of ideas and experiences. - The signing of the letter of intent is significant in the context of both pre- and postgraduate education. We are starting with postgraduate education and joint two projects, i.e. postgraduate studies "Professional pharmaceutical care" and "Pharmacy in business," said Sławomir Białek, Coordinator for postgraduate education of the Faculty of Pharmacy MUW.

AstraZeneca is an innovative biopharmaceutical company providing modern drugs. It will support the statutory activities of MUW, in particular, it undertakes to support and co-create activities, research projects and initiatives of the university that will result in the scientific development of staff, students and unenrolled students - the agreement says.

Specific forms of cooperation are yet to be agreed upon and confirmed by contracts.

The letter of intent was signed by Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of MUW, and Wiktor Janicki, President of AstraZeneca Pharma Poland.

The Coordinators of the cooperation will be, on the part of MUW, Dr. Sławomir Białek, Coordinator for postgraduate education of the Faculty of Pharmacy; and on the part of AstraZeneca, Dr. Anna Kowalczuk, Public and Government Affairs Manager.

The signing of the agreement took place on October 10 at our university. In addition to those already mentioned, the event was attended by: Prof. Maciej Słodkowski, Director of the Center for Postgraduate Education MUW, Agnieszka Bazylko, MD, PhD, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and Monika Miłosz, Public and Government Affairs Specialist AstraZeneca.