Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences became an Authority for Health Policy

Profesor Robert Gałązkowski odebrał nagrodę przyznawaną przez redakcję w kategorii Mentor. Profesor został uhonorowany za „uskrzydlenie Lotniczego Pogotowia Ratunkowego i inspirację młodych ratowników pasją”.

Professor Robert Gałązkowski received the award given by the editors of in the Mentor category. The professor was honored for “winging the Polish Medical Air Rescue and inspiring young rescuers with passion.”

Award for Prof. Robert Gałązkowski in the Mentor category

- I always say to myself and to my workers that we are for our patients - said Professor Gałązkowski, receiving the award - We are not for ourselves, we do not create modern solutions in order to make things easier for us. Of course, this supports us in our work, but our goal must always be the patient, his life.

The award was presented to Prof. Robert Gałązkowski by Prof. Piotr Suwalski, director of the National Medical Institute of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, who stressed, among other things that:

- We must remember that the Polish Medical Air Rescue in such an excellent European dimension, as it is now, is absolutely the work of the professor.

About the awards

The awards - Health Policy Authorities - are given to outstanding personalities in the field of health care. They were presented in eight categories: Innovator, Donor, Mentor, Popularizer, Activist, Manager, Medical Journalist as well as Personality. In this category, the award went to Prof. Jerzy Szaflik, who has been associated with our university for more than 30 years.

This year, awards were also given for innovative medical facility, innovative financial product, innovation in ESG, and innovative campaign. In the latter category, the winner was the #ODWOLUJE #NIEBLOKUJE campaign initiated by CMP Medical Center, which is also supported by the Medical Center of the Medical University of Warsaw.

Discussions on health trends and innovations

The awards were presented at the Innovation Day conference. The Innovation Day is a series of meetings where experts, practitioners and policymakers discuss innovations and trends in the health field.

W jednej z debat konferencji, której tematem była profilaktyka, wziął udział prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, rektor WUM. Dyskutantami byli dr hab. Agnieszka Neumann-Podczaska, dyrektor Narodowego Instytutu Geriatrii, Reumatologii I Rehabilitacji, Paweł Walicki, prezes zarządu Centrum Medycznego CMP oraz prof. Maciej Banach, przewodniczący Polskiego Towarzystwa Lipidologicznego.

One of the conference's debates, which focused on prevention, was attended by Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of MUW. The discussants were Agnieszka Neumann-Podczaska, MD, PhD, Director of the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Paweł Walicki, CEO of the CMP Medical Center, and Prof. Maciej Banach, Chairman of the Polish Lipid Society.

Speaking about innovations in diagnostics, including genetic testing, Prof. Gaciong emphasized:

- What is extremely important, among other things, in the case of cardiovascular disease, which is what we are dealing with - even bad genes can be overcome. Through lifestyle changes and prevention - nullify the impact of the bad predisposition we got with genes from our parents.