Specialists on vascular surgery

Twelve thematic sessions, more than 100 lectures, workshops, but above all, a group of distinguished experts in vascular surgery from around the world shared their experiences during the XIII International Scientific and Training Conference of the Polish Society for Vascular Surgery held at MUW.

- I hope that this conference will meet your expectations and enable you to expand your knowledge, acquire new skills and establish those relationships that are crucial in terms of both scientific and therapeutic activities - said at the opening Professor Zbigniew Gałązka, Chairman of the Scientific and Organizational Committee, President of the Polish Society of Vascular Surgery (PTCHN) and Head of the Department of General, Vascular, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery UCC MUW.

About the importance of the conference

The event was held under the honorary patronage of the Medical University of Warsaw and the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.
- Vascular surgery is a specialty that is gaining in importance these days - said Professor Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of MUW. - It is to be expected that the demand for vascular surgery will increase, especially as the possibilities of therapy using a variety of techniques used in vascular surgery, which has already gone far beyond classical surgery, are expanding. Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong stressed that the organization of the conference within the walls of MUW is an excellent opportunity to present the achievements of our scientists, of whom the university is very proud.
- In carrying out tasks in the area of health, the Mazovian Regional Government has been making efforts for vascular surgery for several years now – said, in turn, Elżbieta Lanc, member of the board of the Mazovian Regional Government. - Epidemiological data are absolute: cardiac, vascular diseases are the most dangerous at the moment. I think that the conclusions of this conference will serve the local government of the Mazovian Voivodeship so that we take certain measures in our hospitals.

Lectures by experts

Many specialists from around the world gave lectures during the congress. They presented the latest reports on vascular surgery, with particular emphasis on diagnosis, treatment as well as controversies in the field, including diseases of the carotid arteries, aortic aneurysms, lower extremity ischemia and venous insufficiency. Among the speakers, there was no shortage of our specialists. From the Department of General, Vascular, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery UCC MUW, the speakers were: Prof. Tadeusz Grochowiecki, Prof. Tomasz Jakimowicz, Prof. Sławomir Nazarewski, Dr. Piotr Kaszczewski, Łukasz Wielocha, MD, and the Chairman of the Scientific and Organizational Committee: prof. Zbigniew Gałązka, and from the 2nd Department of Clinical Radiology – Dr. Rafal Maciąg.
The full list of speakers is available at the website

The opening lecture entitled "How do our vessels age?" was delivered by Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, while the honorary lecture "Achieving Mastery in vascular surgery: compassion, competence and teamwork" was given by - Peter Gloviczki, world-renowned vascular surgeon, retired head of the Mayo Clinic Department of Vascular Surgery.

Presentation of Honorary Membership of the PTCHN

This unique award went to Monika Gloviczki, MD, PhD and Prof. Olgierd Rowiński. Monika Gloviczki was honored as a token of respect and appreciation for her many years of work, commitment and development of vascular surgery, while Prof. Olgierd Rowiński was honored for his immense contributions to the development of vascular surgery in Poland. 
The award was presented by Prof. Zbigniew Gałązka, President of PTCHN, Prof. Zbigniew Krasiński, President-elect of PTCHN, and Prof. Tomasz Jakimowicz, Secretary General of PYCHN.