Six specialists from MUW appointed as provincial consultants

On July 8, Mazovian Governor Mariusz Frankowski handed out appointments to the positions of Mazovian province consultants to thirteen doctors. Among them are specialists from MUW: Dr. Joanna Lange, Janusz Trzebicki, MD, PhD, Prof. Mariusz Frączek, Dr. Elżbieta Kozak-Szkopek, Prof. Magdalena Durlik and Prof. Sławomir Nazarewski.
  • Dr. Joanna Lange of the Department of Pediatric Pneumonology and Allergology will serve - for the first time - as a provincial consultant in pediatric lung diseases,
  • Janusz Trzebicki, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, will again serve as the provincial consultant in anesthesiology and intensive care,
  • Prof. Mariusz Frączek, Head of the Department of General, Vascular and Oncological Surgery, will again serve as the provincial consultant in general surgery,
  • Dr. Elżbieta Kozak-Szkopek of the Department of Geriatric Nursing will again serve as the provincial consultant in geriatrics,
  • Prof. Magdalena Durlik, Head of the Department of Transplantology, Immunology, Nephrology and Internal Diseases, will again serve as the provincial consultant in nephrology,
  • Prof. Sławomir Nazarewski of the Chair Department of General, Vascular, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery will again serve as the provincial consultant in clinical transplantology.

Provincial consultants are appointed by the governor in consultation with the Minister of Health. The term of office of the consultants is five years. Their tasks include inspecting medical entities in terms of the quality of services as well as professional training and education provided. The role of consultants is also to prepare information on resources and staffing needs in their specialties. More than a hundred consultants in various fields of medicine, pharmacy and health care are appointed in the Mazovian province.
Source and photographs:. Mazovian Provincial Office in Warsaw