Karowa Hospital appreciated by patients

Szpital Kliniczny im. ks. Anny Mazowieckiej [Karowa University Hospital] awarded by MY PACJENCI (WE THE PATIENTS) Foundation as Leader of Patient-Centric Philosophy. The hospital was rewarded for launching the campaign entitled “#Oko na malucha” [An eye on the little one], enabling parents to maintain contact with their children, patients of Neonatology wards.

Vice-Director Anastazja Więckiewicz received the Ewa Borek Award on behalf of the Hospital on Friday, June 16.

– The Patient-Centric Philosophy is the guideline of our Foundation, pursued by its founder Ewa Borek. We started the award to commemorate Ewa, but also to promote patient support activities – said Magdalena Kołodziej, President of MY PACJENCI Foundation.    

The “#Oko na malucha” campaign was launched during the pandemic at the Neonatology Ward and has been continued at the Karowa Hospital until the present day. Thanks to the program, newborn babies in incubators can hear the voices of their parents and the parents can watch their children. Video stream can be watched in an app. The program is available free of charge for every parent whose child is a patient at our hospital.