This is how we celebrated at the MUW Diversity Festival

The richness of colors, flavors, customs from all parts of the world could be experienced by the participants of the Diversity Festival, which took place on Saturday, May 18, at the Banacha Campus. Our foreign students who form the Diversity X WUM project invited for the diversity journey.

The Diversity Festival at MUW is being held for the second time. The goal has remained the same: to promote diversity and inclusiveness. Because MUW is a large and multicultural community, co-created by almost 800 international students from 70 countries who want to be known. That's why the students who created the Diversity x WUM project, with the support of students from the IFMSA-Poland Warsaw Branch, spent several months combining study with the organization of the festival - so that it would be diverse, joyful, inspiring. University authorities and employees also helped.

We are different, but we are one

- The diversity means that the world is like a tapestry formed by different threads, representing different cultures, traditions, religions, cuisines - said Rector Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong while opening the artistic part of the festival - Our university appreciates and recognizes diversity, we welcome it. But, as the Rector stressed: - Diversity does not exclude unity. Because we are one.

Wonderful people

- Everyone making up the festival is here together primarily because they want to celebrate people no matter who they are - stresses Pratheeba Kumaravel, president of the Diversity x WUM project and initiator of the festival.

Pratheeba and Kamila Rutkowska, who supports her in organizing the festival, agree that this is a unique event. Not only celebrating diversity, but also enabling true cross-cultural relationships.

- I will remember all the wonderful people I met at the project and the friendships I made - says Kamila Rutkowska - and even though we will be in different corners of the world in the future, I know that you will always support me.

A multicultural little city

On May 18, on a sunny Saturday afternoon, the Banacha Campus was bustling with activity. Visitors came in crowds and had the opportunity to take an amazing journey - artistic, cultural and culinary - to faraway places. In a specially prepared tent city, students from 15 countries presented their culture and traditions: South Korea, Peru, Malaysia, Taiwan, Ukraine, Iran, India, Haiti, Syria, Rwanda, Burundi, Palestine, Pakistan, Lebanon, Turkey.

- The Diversity Festival is a beautiful project of our university - Janah Bou Chahine stresses - We want introduce different cultures to the polish community, as well as to the polish and international community of the university - to the our individuals cultures. I am proud to represent Lebanon today.

The students served traditional dishes, sweets, coffee, showed characteristic clothing, objects and souvenirs of their countries. Of great interest were culinary workshops, during which visitors could see and try on their own to prepare, for example, the popular Taiwanese drink, which also has many followers in Poland, sweet creamy drink with flavored tapioca balls - boba tea, Lebanese tabbouleh salad, consisting of tomatoes, onions, cucumber with bulgur groats and aromatic fresh mint, or the Indian delicacy Aloo Paratha - a type of bread with a potato filling.

As a “bonus,” a mini-exhibition showcasing traditional costumes, artistic and everyday objects, publications and posters was on display on the first floor of the Didactic Center.

- I really enjoy participating in this project - says Sogol Yourdkhani, a student from Iran - it's so much work, but at the end - it is so much fun.

An evening of multicultural rhythm

At the end of the festival there was a fantastic concert and dance show, in which our students and professional artists from different parts of the world presented their skills.
But before the performance began, Jacek Sieńko, MD, PhD, Vice Dean for English Division Student Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine MUW, thanked the audience for coming in large numbers and congratulated the students involved in the festival:

- I am glad that you had so much strong will to organize this event once again.

Rector Professor Zbigniew Gaciong also offered his congratulations:

- I am grateful to the organizers for the festival, for this evening.

What could one listen to? Musical performances from Syria, India and Turkey. And what dances were presented? Korean fan dance Buchaechum , Indian dance Bharatanatyam, traditional ballet dance from Rwanda, Konpa dance from Hatiti, Palestinian dance Dabke, contemporary dance from Palestine. Prof. Paweł Włodarski, Vice Rector for International Relations, Development and Promotion, and Jacek Sieńko, MD, PhD, tried their hand at Rwandan dance.

Who attended the Diversity Festival

In addition to Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Rector of MUW, Prof. Paweł Włodarski, Vice Rector for International Relations, Development and Promotion, and Jacek Sieńko, MD, PhD, Vice Dean for English Division Student Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine, the event was attended by: the Ambassador of the State of Palestine, the Amabassador of Syria, the Director of the Korean Cultural Center, diplomats from the Embassy of India and the Embassy of Rwanda, and the president of the Indo Polish Chamber of Commerce & Industry.


Watch a video report from the festival